Is this sleiqueen correct

So piloting isn’t that enticing ama ni huyu sleiquin haelewi chenye anasema


:D:Dso pilots ni peasants :Dassuming hiyo ni gross… toa kama20 to 30 k taxes, loans nhif, nssf na other BS tuseme wanachapia 30 to 40

:D:D:D:D:D…na venye hizi ghaseer zinasumbua pale 1824 na you guy my guy ,my STI is faster than your GTI nansense,saa hizo mbillionaire ametulia na F15 S63B44TU motor complete with double vanos system

per trip

Probably doesnt understnd anything like most women…piloting course yenyewe utalipa millions and expect to be paid 90k …upuss…those guys earn dimes kwanza upate KLM ama hizi arabic airlines unakafunga mbaya sana.

Hamjui kuzungu elders. Workers wenye hulipwa upto 80k wanapata full pay. Workers wenye hulipwa above 80k hawapati full pay. Kama pilot afaa alipwe 180k, atalipwa labda 75%, apate 135k

Kuna beste yangu pilot, tangu covid ianze jamaa amekuwa akijam sana social media. Must be related

Experienced pilots are paid very well, am talking about captains …hawa wengine bado ndio wanaanza…its just like Aby other profession mtu unapanda ngazi polepole