..is this authentic?..

Came across it some place. If it is, then @Okiya’s statement makes lots of sense…[ATTACH=full]20674[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]20675[/ATTACH]

shida tu ni Nyongo sio secretary general wao

Although that is true on paper, I’m yet to see the new sec. gen. ababu carrying out his role. All in all, the documents are likely fake, but they will achieve their objective in a section of the electorate

Nyon’go is the secretary of the advisory committee. Ababu is the secretary of ODM. These are two different entities. Based on that would lead to the conclusion that the document could be authentic

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yep majority of the electorate do not like long explanations, hizo huwapita, short and precise propaganda achieves its purpose

JW stands for?

Jimmy Wanjigi aka
gifsoup.com James Bond

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As we approach the next elections, such shit will be popping up every other day. Bottom line, depending on which side of the divide you are in, you can either ignore or take it to be the gospel truth.


I will not be quick to comment bcoz such things can throw a country into anarchy.



i have gone through the list of members of the advisory committee they are the same who are behind is political downfall

greed has no tribe…

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:eek:Jimmy Wanderi lives on

If they are going to discuss such matters, I believe they’ll do it behind closed doors with no form of evidence. They ain’t that stupid. Completely fake!!

This explains a lot