Only tutsis are celebrating. The tutsi led M23 is funded by Kagame, and is his private militia, with the aim of annexing North Kivu province of Congo to Rwanda. North Kivu is actually larger than Rwanda and Kagame has been using the M23 to remove the congolese from the territory before the annexation.
Freedom fighters to them
Remember residents of Naivasha celebrating mungiki killing perceived enemies in 2007? Copy and paste the celebration here…
@GERALD9949 leta maoni.
Kagame is a military goon. He killed many during the genocide
Hii.mbwa Koko ilikua inapayuka big worlds to please the world the way he is after peaceful east African na hapa anauwa youtmen yet ni mbwa mwiitu Tu ng’ombe ya kawaida
North Kivu should be in Rwanda. Congo is not even a country.
Both sides are at fault.
M23 is fighting for a justified cause. They want the Banyamulenge to be recognized as Congolese.(Which they should be as it is colonial borders that led to their lands being a part of the DRC rather than the Kingdom of Rwanda) but because they commited so many war crimes in previous conflicts in the Congo, he other tribes there have a problem with that.
The Congolese Government to some extent is also more at fault because this issue should have been solved in 2009. Also they teamed up with the FDLR, which is a Hutu led rebel group operating in the Congo that is made up of the extremists that caused the genocide of 1994. Really Now??? Given that its predecessor was even listed as one of the few non-Islamic terror groups, you would think the Congolese government would think twice.
Overall, there is a big divide in the Congo, between the Lingala speaking West(which had its own conflicts in the 60s to the 90s) and the Swahili speaking East(which has been in turmoil since Mobutu fell) which then becomes an even bigger divide between local Congolese and both Hutu and Tutsi refugees(plus Congolese Tutsi that is the Banyamulenge) which is why the Congolese formed the Mai Mai, then there is the conflict between the Congolese themselves which is why M23 is just one of 100 rebel(Dafaq??) groups in Eastern DRC. Including ISIS BTW.
I honestly do not see how this nation can be saved. If the M-23 makes good on their threat to march on Kinshasa, then it might pull off a Kabila and unite the Swahili speaking Eastern rebel groups, but this is unlikely given that the current president is from the Swahili speaking East(though he himself and his tribe do not speak Swahili as much as those in the Kivu area as Southern and South Eastern DRC’s Swahili is nearly not even Swahili. If you think the Congolese from Eastern DRC like Kivu we speak to are poor speakers, the ones from Katanga are basically speaking another language that calls itself Swahili) and is not like Mobutu who was a Lingala speaking Westerner.
Also until FDLR is extinguished and the genociders are deported back to Rwanda and also Burundi, the grievances of M-23 cannot be fully solved and I fully get why Rwanda keeps intervening. As long as FDLR exists, they will keep having that excuse.
Also some rebel groups are more anti-Uganda like the ADF which is an Islamist group made up of Muslim Baganda and Basoga(which should be a source of concern. Busogaland directly borders Busia and given our weak borders under Kaongo, how soon will Western Kenya end up facing an Islamist threat? Also why are Bagandans operating in the DRC when non of their homeland borders the Congo?? It would be like Mungiki operating in Jubaland!) who hate both the M-23 and the Congolese Government (and anyone who is not a Muslim). Then there is that South Sudanese ethnic group that has been expanding into North Eastern Congo at the expense of the Bantu tribes there.
Aiiii! Mambo ya haya watu ni magumu kuliko maandishi ya Kihindi!!
Desperate people celebrate when their is change. Hoping for the best.
Hata Ugandans danced in the streets when idi Amin took over
Kuna wasee wa kutoka ocha kama @Coolibah wanadai ati Tutsi was a Belgian invention. Hahahah. Tutsi minority rule in Rwanda which exists to this day.
- Genociders hiding in Congo is just Rwanda propaganda. There’s no such thing.
- DRC should be balkanized. It’s not a viable state just like those goofy countries in the Sahel
- Rwanda Tutsi minority rule will always be a powder keg. As such even Rwanda itself cannot assure long term stability. You can’t supress people forever.
I agree with this. Kagame has been using this excuse to cause chaos in DRC and control the mines. Saa hii he is saying that he wants to create a buffer zone inside DRC to prevent any attacks from “genociders” which is basically saying he wants to annex N and S kivu provinces of DRC.
Do you think he also wants to increase Tutsi population in Rwanda? I know they want territory, every country does it’s just that under the post World War 2 American order it’s not allowed to change territory. People even nowadays assume borders are eternal.
I was at the Genocide Memorial and it’s crazy how they keep reiterating how “Hutu did this to Tutsi” and the genocide memorials are all over the country. It’s really messed up guilt tripping psychological warfare.
The Hutus actually settled in rwanda in the 5th century. The tutsis then immigrated into the area in the 14th century and it is said they came from south western uganda. It is hutus who were in eastern DRC. But in subsequent conflicts some tutsis went as refugees to south kivu around Mulenge hills and later called themselves Banyamulenge. There were no tutsis in DRC but the various waves of hutu genocide against tutsis (eg precolonial, 1959, 1994) made them settle in eastern DRC as refugees and now they claim to be congolese.
I believe so. Kagame himself grew up in Uganda as a refugee. Many tutsis were ejected from rwanda in the 1959 genocide and that is how kagame ended up in uganda. Other tutsis went to eastern DRC. So i think he would also want them to go back to rwanda and increase the tutsi population which is currently only 15% of the total population.