Is Success Luck or Hard Work?

Success in what? Health? Money? Relationships & Dating? Social circles and influence? Talent?

Many believe that it all boils down to hard work but the truth is that the smile of lady luck plays a big role.

Ni maombi

90 percent luck, 10 percent hard work

If success is a product of hard work watu wa mjengo wangekuwa mbirrionniares…:smiley:

Luck and timing…[my opinion though]

…in any of the above [exclude health] and be realistic, argue from what you’ve observed or experienced. Tuelimishe kaka

My observations are just observations. I don’t know whether they are right or wrong. Anyway, let me explain:

I think the greatest two determinants of success are intelligence and luck. I usually give a very easy example of money because it is quantifiable unlike other measures of success. For the purpose of this argument, I will use financial success. If a guy is born in a relatively middle class area like Membley or Kahawa Sukari, he is more likely to live in Muthaiga than a guy born in Mathare slums. That’s luck because he has a headstart in life i.e relatively good schooling, limited hardships, etc. So for such a guy, his odds of climbing up the socioeconomic ladder are much higher than the guy raised in mathare slums. Also, intelligence plays a very big role in financial success. That guy from Mathare can overtake the guy from a middle class family if he is significantly more intelligent. Lastly, I think hard work plays a role but it is somewhat overrated. Why? Pale highschool there were many bookworms who just couldn’t pull it off. Hata ukilala usome the last week before exams bado utawashinda tuu. It doesn’t mean that they are dumb. It just means that formal education was not their forte and some of them were highly intelligent in other areas.

Intelligence - 50%

Luck - 25%

Hard work - 15%

Other factors that I don’t know - 10%

That’s how I would weight the contributing factors to success. Again, I could be 180 degrees wrong and this is just my opinion.

90% luck? Hapo sikubaliani na wewe.

Personally, I would say intelligence is the biggest (but not sole) predictor of success. If you are retarded, you would have to be lucky 100% of the time to succeed and nobody has that kind of luck. But if you are never lucky, you can still succeed because luck is a necessity but a bonus.

Very true and also the aspect of “Time” pioneers hukula fiti before the market get saturated.

Luck is preparedness that met opportunity. Can be hard work or no effort at all

Luck is like Mutula Kilonzo junior political career. Pure luck

I have seen people who inherited their dead brothers business and now are doing well. Without death, they could be nothing

I agree.

Success = L.U.C.K: Laboring Under Correct Knowledge
also there is a difference between being corrupt and being successful.

I watched that video and the answer was luck. There was actual research and links to journals and research. Hii ingine yenu ni panganga tu.

Luck kwa wingi

The concept of intelligence is complex.
There are a variety of factors that affect a person’s intelligence ranging from genetic to environmental. Nutrition, for example, is one of those environmental factors and availability of nutritional food in the early stages of development has been shown to give a person an advantage when it comes to intelligence when compared to those who lack proper nutrition in the beginning of their lives. Other environmental factors include access to early educational materials, a stress free and supportive home environment, exercise, etc.

If the environment can affect intelligence, basi pia intelligence is part of luck.

Someni Kitabu inaitwa Outliers by Malcom Gladwel

Success means different things to different people. I believe all fates are decided at the moment a soul is created. The possibilities are endless, but the paths on earth are here to confuse like a puzzle on your way. Fate rarely calls at us at our moment of choosing; making the puzzle even more trickier.

Pewa Mbili on my Tab. Very true analysis. There is intelligence, Opportunity, Luck na hard work.

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