is sex the new hollywood trend

Whats with the sex trend in hollywood? Saa hii 98% of movies and series from america must include a sex scene like wtf. wkats with it? you are watching a good movie and then bam a sex scene. some are even uncalled for. hata comedies siku hizi zimeanza kuwa na sex scenes ama too much kissing. unawatch comedy kiasi kiasi watu wako kwa bed wanadinyana kwani form ndo gani tena?

We aint safe any more.

You think this is new?

Bro are you suffering from Benjamin Button effect?? Ata movie za 80s za Cynthia Rothrock zilikua na sex scenes

The first sex scene I saw was in the Godfather. A film made in the 70s.

movie Si Movie bila Segis… WHat kinda movie is that even without it? Kwani ni mazishi?

Na watu wa movie hukanyagana raw na hakuna mtu hupata stds. Fantasy world.

Hama kwa mzazi

Achana Na holy mbaoo, Anza ku watch UFC, zinginezo Na boxing

Bado hujawacha kunyamba nyama kwa sofa ya mathe?

Sio wote aiseh. Kuna list ya raw sex movies mtandaoni

The best way to put is lesbianism and gay scenes/characters. Normal sex scenes have been there since the dawn of time

Watch Mississippi Masala. The first time I watched Denzel akinyandua mhindi kwa Kuangalia music soundtrack nilimbao aisee! Kanda ya nini eeeh kanda ya nini oooh…

Nilihamia Adult swim ndio niondokee ufala zingine lakini Paradise PD is retarded.