Is rejection this sweet??

Umesense huyu ni kaongo, usishtuke ni kijana alimaliza form four juzi

So what’s your experience like??.. Fungua roho

Sasa wewe… Anyhow, hatuko hapa kumeasurena deeks. Drop your experience and inspire a bro

Rejection ni normal kijana, hata Beyonce, Alisha Keys wamewahi kukataliwa check interviews zao wako confess, kama hao hottest chics kwa dunia hukataliwa, what about you mtu wa kununua 1 hour 200mb bundles za Safaricom?

Nyonga monkey one last time before you forget her face

Move on ghaseer, humbwer!

hii chama cha ‘hata siku sikia kitu’

Make me!!.. Nugoo!!

I didn’t that’s why I’m surprised too

Ukichengwa tulia.

Sawa mzito!!


[quote=“cortedivoire, post:25, topic:223047”]

Nyonga monkey one last time before you forget her face
[/QUOTE Kindly let this be the last best response[/QUOTE]