@ChifuMbitika, yesterday after the OKA and Mt Kenya foundation event tulikutana jioni in our usual watering hole to discuss politics.
One mbirrionaire who is a senior government official and very close to the Uhuru circle of friends confirmed that Raila will not run for President due to health reasons. He has however been compensated handsomely by @Gatheca so as to endorse Mudavadi…
Mudavadi is a toothless dog. Under his presidency Kenya would be chopped up and sold in a week
That camel will run until death knocks on his door just like his father Jaramogi, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
Amekula pesa ya deep state.
Si you vie for the seat? utuachishe kelele ya huyo mzee
after hii post yako, kaa rada ukingojea flying kick ya @Strategoi. AKA Winnie.
I will be so happy if this faction endorses Mudavadi for president. I will wake up at 3am to vote for him. Both Raila and Ruto are unfit to run this country. Raila has so much political baggage he can’t rule effectively. Ruto on the other hand is a corrupt and grudge harbouring fellow.
@Abba posted here something that yesterday while in a meeting, was echoed by a senior guy in government, a CS to be precise.from the way he was talking it seemed to be a top secret. @Abba wewe ni Nani?
Kwani you can’t think for yourself hadi some billionaire who doesn’t even line up to vote tells you how to vote? Why can’t you wake up at 3 am to Vote Mudamba without the endorsement of the rich.
Sina shida Na Madvd. Fuck that tingod Ojinga Jakuon
Kenyan politics is tribal and heavily leans towards old money. If the two factors aren’t on Mudavadi’s side on the election day, it would be an exercise in futility for me to cast my vote for him.
Over to you @Strategoi at the studio :D:D
I overheard there is a plan for Ouru and Rayila to support Ruto
Mudavadi =moi
We would be in deep shit. another 10 years of no opposition and dictatorship. hehe suffering quietly. you cannot even release gas to relieve pressure.
Ona sasa:D:D:D:D:D
I told you lot kitoeleweka are the least informed lot in the succession. You have ran your mouths for years on RAT without a clue what’s going on with your masters. Saa hii ndio reverse gears mnaanza.
Fact is client 13173 and kenyatta family are running many confused and parallel succession plots. This one flatters today they shift to another. They pick on this tomorrow only to lose faith on it by weekend. Its DP Uncle Ruto running against giddy 2022. Puppets like madvd can’t be given ticket and money. RAT is a runaway wheel heading downhill to be stopped or rescued. Time is his greatest impediment considering his health and mental fatigue. That interview he was pushed to have on KBC to defend client 13173 Pandora leaks was ill advised. He was frail and incoherent. He needed uninterrupted rest to prepare for weekend boardroom meetings.
Lets wait. its for their interest not ours
Isn’t the guy already running? Ama what’s he been doing traversing the landscape, holding rallies, and meeting various caucuses? What distinguishes someone who’s vying? If those health reasons can’t hold him back from putting in work now when will they come into play? The compensation wouldn’t be worth risking his already fragile disposition, would it now? Me thinks either RAO’s doctors are grassing or the senior government official sold you a red herring.
You talk alot
:D:D:D:D:D…OKA Kenya is a car with square wheel s and only has the reverse gear pekee ,deep state should be waving the white flag and ask for leniency from the sugoi man…:D:D:D:D:D…they were outwitted , outrun and beaten up to a pulp.My prediction is they will be roasted individually by sugoi man or be roasted together either way they will be roasted alive.