Is Normal Life Worth it?

:D:D:D:D:D…wacha ujinga! you can fuck as many prostitutes possible but only one will infect you . HIV haijui class !

Boss ivo ndo wewe hujidanganya?? In this life nothing is for sure. You can fuck a river road whore and never get any disease you fuck a runda whore and tomorrow you are in a hospital getting cured for multiple STI’s. Never be so sure.

Just ask yourself how famous people like Charlie Sheen and Mike Johnson aka Magic Mike got HIV and you will know HIV aint Malaria.

As long as it is a whore you can get the disease any time.

Huyo anaenda virtual tour of Monaco. He lost the script vile alisema eti “Spanish babes”.

Those Spaniards think they’re more Anglosaxon than wazungu wenyewe. They don’t brook nyeuthis, at least wazungus try to pretend that they do.