Is Mwangi wa Iria the Seer Many Ignored or Is He a Madman?

Today Mwangi wa Iria made a scene at the Bomas. The issue? He had not been cleared to run. Claim? No Kikuyu would be allowed on the ballot as a presidential candidate. If so, then who benefits? Who has colluded with who to aid the process? Should we pay more attention to him? If all his claims are mere imagination, then Mwangi wa Iria is nothing more than a madman who belongs to political oblivion.

wisdom is knowing where you belong, and taking your position with sufficient humility.

He has a point., but it takes several billion kes to include his name. He has to prove he is serious.

Sasa Walter Mong’are alitoa billions ngapi?

it takes iebc

He actually raised an important question, how can iebc claim that the signatures of the members he submitted were not genuine ilhali they don’t have the said signatures databank to compare with, Chebukati was asked this question by a journalist akakwepa with an indirect answer

Konyagi is the greatest enemy to Kikuyu politics

Konyagi mtoto wa mbwa doesn’t want any Kikuyu politician to rise up and become famous countrywide