Is Kenya Government Hacking Your Computer? What is Hostname:

When I visit:
I find out the hostname tells me the government is still looking for me.

When Hostname:
Does this mean the court is tracking all my internet communication???

When I use a VPN the Hostname changes completely!!


Don’t click

She trying to check your physical location …she’s a rascal and a very dark rodent

What does Hostname: mean?

vaa pantyliner ulale ghaseer

akanyal click?

Sema haujui, wacha ujinga. Stupid people always think insults hide their slow processing power.

Hujui Hostname ni nini!!

Don’t click … she’s a mongrel

Vaa female condom ulale ghassia

I don’t want anyone to click the link… I want people to know the GoK is scanning all that you do. Especially when you visit Government websites.
Do you know what Hostname is?

Which Vpn do you use some of them are sus af

Huwa una host? Shot pesa ngapi?

You are being

they are watching your activities…

From today I have started using VPN

Mpaka naogopa kuingia Sex & Relationships section.

Hostname=Tia Dalma Mucakwe

I dont think its that serious. The Government should have no interest in you unless kuna hekaya hatujui still that is some weird shit. Use Nordvpn its one of the best out there. Remember there’s no such thing as a free Vpn either you pay for it or they sell your data, some do both regardless

Kuna hekaya nili weka uku. Court ni mentions peke. Witness never comes to court

Wueh! if that issue is a major one this being a shithole country in all its glory then Tumia tu vpn probably ata tor browser as well. Anyway its good practice to keep safe while surfing ata kama huna issues people dont really understand just how vulnerable they are whenever they go online

When I go to court, where the accuser never comes (1 year since), we talk with the Investigation officer and Prosecution like buddies. Siku moja Investigation officer told me something about my browsing habits and what I did on a Government website. I asked myself, how does he know all that. Kumbe, serikali is still looking at what I do online!!