Tumalize huu mjadiliano, is it true if parents had high IQs kids will automatically be brilliant… Kama kuna madaktari wanaelewa hii stuff ya genetics kwa undani, watueleze kama intelligence is passed down to kids from parents ama it is influenced by other factors
Not really methinks the environment also determines a lot interms of stability, reading materials available etc.
I am not a genius but I have never struggled academically at 5/6 my grandmother had taught me to write 1-100, was reading,hello children, Sunday nation the kids section etc and so were her 6 children who inturn raised their kids as so, she was a teacher btw. All the grandkids all have been raised the same way and doing really well academically
They are in
- Mang’u high
- Bishop Gatimu
- Nairobi school
- Nyeri high
UON pursuing Med
Hakuna alitafutiwa shule
Ndindu atajibu
Epigenetics is key , not genetics
Let me do research on that
IQ just like height is randomly distributed, genetics determine it but it doesn’t determine whether you have a meaningful/productive life.
I’d say 50% genetics, 50% environment
Nature and nurture
Yes IQ is determined by genes to some extent but IQ in itself isn’t the only measure of intelligence.
Max out on the artificial when choosing your partner. Looks, both facial and height, then everything else will fall in line.
I don’t even think IQ is permanent…unaweza zaliwa Dunder head…ukuwe Chopi…alafu ukuwe Dunder head tena ukiwa mzee…genes muhimu but IQ ni pata potea …mind changes just like any other body organ…grows, gets sick etc
YES, YES IT IS. Although everyone has the genes for intelligence, some have them in a combination that allows them to better model and manipulate their environment in a manner that benefits them. The only issue is for people born with a certain deficiency in the nervous system.
IQ is really overrated. There’s no need to be fussed over it. The only time one should be worried if if they have single digit IQ i.e. below the average score of 100. That can limit you in life. If your IQ is hapo between 115-130, which is a considerable percentage as per the bell curve distribution, I can confirm that you can achieve most things in life, if you put in the work.
In simple terms, IQ refers to your brain’s processing power. Think of it like your phone’s chipset. Some will have the equivalent of the latest Snapdragon 888 chipset (extremely mentally agile people), while others’ processing of things will be the equivalent of a MediaTek from 2013. And you will feel it.
However, you will observe numerous cases of the MediaTek guy actually turning out to be more successful than the SD888 guy due to factors like better work ethic and discipline, better emotional intelligence (EQ) and being more flexible and adaptable to changes in their environment and circumstances, referred to Adaptability Quotient (AQ).
IQ also can’t be changed much past age 10 while the other Quotients, far more important in today’s world, can actually be worked on, if deficient!
IQ of parents is important, but environment also plays a role…but if parents were low IQ, their kids are likely to be low IQ too, regardless of environment. That said, character is most important. Seen a lot of average and even low grade people floor A students in real life through sheer hard work, commitment and discipline.
A thing I came to realise is that you can never win on all fronts most smart people have little to no social skills and that’s their major undoing. In an interview they will have most answers but framing in such a way that the always average to below average HR guys becomes an uphill task
siku hizi birioneas tunacheza gene editing
Why are we answering our own questions? The question is whether IQ is determined by genes. The answer is, Yes, to a large extent! And we know about genes, there can be some recessive gene of a genius a long way down your geneology and though your parents are single digit IQs, you have a chance of being a genius! Let us discuss about whether the genius will be more successful than other average persons like me later… And in fact what determines success… (This will be more complicated thread than the IQ determinants)
Mambo ya IQ is very complicated since we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Utapata kuna watu kwa masomo ni very poor but the same person is very talented when building electronic or mechanical stuff and vice versa.
I came across this brief article on predicting academic success among newborns some time back. While it does not explicitly mention IQ, we know that there’s a strong correlation between a high IQ and academic success.
[li]Researchers looked at data from 5,000 students and found 2 factors that were strongly linked to academic success. [/li][li]Students with genetic predisposition towards academics were much more likely to go to University. [/li][li]Equally important was having well-educated parents with wealth.[/li][/ul]
So stack up those bills (if you haven’t already) and be as superficial while picking a potential mate, as her apparent intelligence allows.