Is history repeating itself?

Early in his presidency, Moi was caught up between two Kikuyu camps fighting each other. Ditto for Ruto.
The Kiambu camp led by Njonjo thought and acted like Moi was a seat warmer. Meanwhile a Nyeri camp led by Kibaki kept itself busy thwarting the Kiambu camp machinations.

Once again, today, a Nyeri politician (RiggyG) allied to the president is battling a Kiambu-led camp (Uhuru) that’s trying to hobble a nascent Ruto administration.

1982 threw a curveball that was grasped by a beleaguered Moi to turn the tables decisively on his political detractors.
History suggests that there will be a major curveball that will allow Ruto to reshape the narrative. Question is, what shape will it take?

Konyagi will soon find himself in jail. Mungiki leader might be eliminated

Nobody walks away from this without bruises, but jail time for Uhuru is a little bit too much fantasy for a girl your age. Watch some porn, just do something with your life

I don’t know where guys think that Gachagua has any strong foothold in Kikuyu land. Only bootlickers follow him.

Keep wanking furiously, this will not happen in the near future. This isn’t the eighties when your mentor kipmeno 1 did what he wanted eliminating his then opponents. Kipmeno 2 has captured your brain drawing you in his cult while he is eating with his kinsmen tau tau.
Gathee kitakurambaaaaa!

Wee mama, perish that thought. Mjaribu ndiyo mjue what can happen to you.

Labda hio ya mungiki leader…hio ya kenyatta sioni.

Umeona what happened to kenyattas farm…hes got the money and the backers to leave someone with a bloody nose…and dont forget he has ruto who has r.valley pahali a certain tribe went thru the grinder a few years ago.

Maina Njenga masters are finally revealing themselves.

Mimi sio mamako mbwa maraya

Was the 1982 curve ball grasped by Moi or engineered by him?

Men you should become a script writer. Thats a very smooth yet hard way ou have addressed that mosquito

Konyagi embracing Mungiki is a defeatist move, because majority of Kikuyus do not support return of Mungiki. If these thugs are as popular as the media is making them to be, there would be several Mungiki sponsored politicians in parliament, lakini hata huyo Njenga has vied a couple of times but hajapata any.

wewe jaluo homosexual you tend to get easily impressed by very stupid things.

Sawa mathe.

Are you jealous that @Josto Bwaku has spinned a very neat line in just a few words better than everything you have written your entire life? That line is very cool, kwanza iyo part ya girl.