Would you date/marry a guy shorter than you?
Would you date/marry a woman taller than you?
Do you have an issue with his/her height? (If Yes, what’s it?)
*** I’m in traffic, bored and hungry af, had planned to post this today though.
Would you date/marry a guy shorter than you?
Would you date/marry a woman taller than you?
Do you have an issue with his/her height? (If Yes, what’s it?)
*** I’m in traffic, bored and hungry af, had planned to post this today though.
Size, weight, tribe , race [COLOR=rgb(243, 121, 52)][SIZE=7]DOESN’T
Cha muhimu ni uhigh
nimelima twiga na birikimo na nyap ni ile ile
[li]Nope[/li][li]Yes…doesn’t even matter really.[/li][li]eeeeh…how to answer that. (first scenario,yes, I fear the short man syndrome. Second one, No problem, women do not have the short man syndrome)[/li][/ul]
*** Pole sana. I was just telling a friend of mine stuck in the rain and traffic how happy I am with my rural settings.
Toa hio ‘e’ kwa jina yako ureplace na ‘ukenge’ alafu tuanze kuongea
Thank you for this thread nimepata mahali pa kupost this shite…:D:D:D:D
questions of the mind or heart have no right answers
Ever asked yourself why?
Thaaank you…It’s crazy! It’s been this way for most of last week and this one too but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do! I envy your peace right now
That’s really a non issue for me. Could however be its coz I have met very few women my height let alone taller that me.
what is in the name?
to me yes height matter a lot and size too, am 5,11, therefore, she has to be 5 and above I want to be comfortable with her ata tukitembea. fat people are lazy people unless its baby fat I cant be anywhere near her
I don’t know if i’d date/marry a guy shorter than me…i’m 5’4 so. How many men are shorter than that o_O However, if he’s all the characteristics i want in a man, then i can overlook it. But ideally i want someone taller than me.
How tall are you?
It’s a compliment
From whose research did you get this?
Will you be willing & ready to overlook that for the rest of your life as long all other things you’re okay with? - assuming y’all marry.
Mimi niko 6’3"… CV zikam through :D:D
This topic is non-sudanese. Sawa Chol Kur ?
Hiyo tulianika kitambo.