is gene mutation/evolution happening right before our eyes????

Early 90s and 2000s back in the villages the common breakfast involved chai ndefu ie ile yenye maziwa kikombe moja inakua diluted na maji vikombe kumi served with roasted maize or kiporo typical lunch included porridge and boilled corn or sweet potatoes/yams/arrow roots supper was majorly ugali served with traditional vegetables like mrenda et al meat,chicken,bread,chapati was reserved for special occasions and they didnt exceed three in a whole year with two being christmas and new year. But somehow men were huge and strong from performing tasks like splitting firewood and tiling the lands. It was uncommon to find a man under 6ft, the women on the other hand were built equally tough it was a common sight to see a woman heavily pregnant fetching water and firewood several kilometers just hours before going into labour and you guessed it right they gave birth at home! Contrast that with today where we have array of foods to choose from and all the information on health and virtually all men are short and weakly and much cant be said about the women ! Where are we going wrong??? Ama ni nature taking its course???

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It’s just a consequence of sexual selection. If females start preferring tall men in a population, the gene that causes tallness then tends to become common in subsequent generations. It’s not necessarily a mutation, but this is how evolution works.

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Where did you get your data? If it is personal opinion then I think men are becoming taller.

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Just an observation i have made

At what height (average) do you think a man should be said to be TALL?

6ft should suffice thats according to me

What about shortness?

I think it’s mostly to do with medical care, an asmatic kid would have died in its infancy before but now due to meds ata 80 years ata fika ensuring he passes his bad asmatic gene to his kids. The slaves that were taken to the states and west Indies are an example of a population that was forced to undergo accelerated evolution, some use this to explain why blacks excel in sports in the states


My grandfather was asmatic born in the 20’s he died a few years ago

There are many factors to consider like health care, lifestyle and diet all have either positive or negative impact on today’s generation

No more farms for such food either.

Are current foods better than common foods in the 80s and before? Nutritional info is all over yet some people will claim that ‘older’ foods were better. I guess it’s the food processing bringing about some of these changes

It’s about kaploti and construction. Maybe some day we’ll seriously begin importing food or growing it on rooftops.

:D:DAcha bhangi…hutu tumzee tufupi tunatoka wapi ama wote ni wa kuzaliwa 1990s and 2000s. And six feet or more is a fuckin tall guy. Enda jipime utajua

diet, evolution, lifestyle, environment and family genes

Humans are getting taller than their ancestors.

We could be weaker but waaay smarter than our ancestors to make machines yo make work easier and efficient.