Joshua busts a move!
Joshua busts a move!
Kanani ndani ndani ndani.
At his age you just gotta give it to him…he got moves…
Mbona naona ni kaa uchawi???:eek::eek:
Hehe … noma sana. Mpenz Gradys hebu cum kiasi ucheki my president in waiting. He’s got them moves
Nikama mzee burning spear :D:D
Ndio utajua hujui! :D:D:D
Ahhhhh Kuria enda Kenya quietly cast your vote, urudi tuongee. We in Jubilee do not like wishy-washyness which I have detected in you. How will you head my home and reign in the shudren if huna msimamo? Ujue tuu the Mang’uarian ako ritho sana huku Utopia land.
Mlebo tulia. Sasa imekuwa your home tena? Hio siwes head, al head our home. Huyo Mang’uru hawezani na najua unajua.
Mang’uru you are sick…:D:D:D:D ni mushie wakwa and I have fought so hard for it, still fighting but ooooh not forever.
Spent force…
Poor lad:D he had it all but didn’t know.
Hapo sawa my deer. Keep on keeping on