Iran vs Israel

Why does Iran have to be monitored but Israel are allowed to maintain a covert nuclear weapons arsenal?


But again, Islamic bonobos shouldn’t be allowed to have nukes, they can nuke any country that criticizes their tin god Mohammed. Pakis were lucky because China was sympathetic enough to share the nuclear technology with them, however it was the high IQ scientist who were given the knowledge and not the daily bonobos.

Syrians tried building nukes, they’ve been countered so many times no one is talking about it anymore.

It’s only a matter of time before the Persians test a nuclear bomb. The world will have no choice but to welcome them to the nuclear club kwa upoooooleee. It will be yet another reminder that sanctions never work if a country is determined to achieve its goals. They’re just minor annoyances in the grand scheme of things.

Every country that wants nukes should be free to have them… Or what does sovereignty mean? Are some countries adults and others children?

Kunazo ziko na watu wazima, kama kina Putin ni watu wazima banae.

Sanctions only inconveniences peasants mainly. The top brass hapana tambua hiyo upus. Majority of them do have second or even third passports which they use to move everywhere they want. If a SERIOUS country decides they want nukes, they can get them. Case study: Korea North.

As an african, what does your bonobometer rate your race? We equally can’t own nukes, let aspiring nations grow their capabilities…this means less wars!!!

The world should be free of nukes