io site ya secret

oh snap!

My thoughts exactly…Of course they wont bother with that guy whose problem is a “small penis” but that niccur who said he is in his 30s and he slept with a 15year old…That niccur will be fished out.


Uko na bahati Jarosojah hujanimention :smiley: :D…

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hehe sitaki kuumwa

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Hata siwes kuuma,lakini tunawesa rushiwa drones after being suspected…:stuck_out_tongue:

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tunaweza tafuta underground bunker kule drone hazifiki :p:p

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You’ve snooped into that site? It’s teeming with weirdos.

:smiley: im entertained, no lie.

goat fuckers

matatu fumigators [ATTACH=full]28445[/ATTACH]

mommy issues

who is this

12 year old [ATTACH=full]28448[/ATTACH]

uyu sasaaaaa


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Finally caved and peeked a that site and I couldn’t believe the posts and comments. If even half of what have read is true then we live in a very twisted society

looks like a statistical data collecting sort of shiet to me…so far most ppl naoana ni mashida na sex

It’s crazy how people here are sort of denouncing the secrets on that site, it’s the same thing some of you fuckers do! Trying to put up a front smh


A rare gem :D:D

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ha ha lazima ziwe luminarc or very expensive china

Copy business kama kawa
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