Well i’m perplexed that guys here keep posting where to get them hoes. I mean don’t you guys grow old and testosterone levels go down? I have read here how men are salivating for new women everyday…
I have realized that as you grow old, one is likely to loose interest in chasing and playing games women.In my early twenties when i was full of testosterone, i would chase women,keep up with their manipulative mind games. But now, a couple of years before reaching mid-thirties, i find it tiresome indulging in their mind games… I hit my shot and if the response is in negative, i march on.
Unlike in my twenties where everything was based on girls, nowadays it is just projects after projects. For nutting, i have an agreement with a funny redhead white girl from central Europe to empty my balls whenever necessary and probably i might upgrade her to a relationship material. She comes to whenever she wants but i only nut three times a week and at times long spells that she reminds me that i needed to empty my balls.
I hit the gym four times a week.
Men, have you experienced any changes to your body as you grow old? Do you still have the vigor to chase women and indulge in their nonsensical mind games?
i do HIIT and body strength workouts 5 days a week… avg workout time is 25 minutes per session. capacity to do skirt chasing is there, but i have learnt to put it away(zero ROI). my main headache is getting financing for my project(corona bills depleted my funds). as for mind games, i just tell someone off. like sometime back someone rejected my calls on a saturday night and responded by text telling her disrespectful individuals are not part of my equation and ended things hapo hapo…now she keeps peeping into my whatsapp status …sijui anachungulia nini…with age u develop a deeper value for urself and put emphasis on priorities.
Interesting, do HIIT and Strength training 5 days a week. Break for me your Strength training routine and your HIIT as well.
What’s your post recover Nutrition and rest time, and how long are your work days ?
Ignore the clown. Hawa ni wale huenda gym ku show off their gikomba sourced secondhand gym wear. Anaingia gym anatembea kwa tread mill for 10 minutes. Then ana set weights za 10kgs kwa bench press anafanya reps 3.Then spends the next 46minutes seated on the bench press complaining to everyone how his shoulder is paining, all the while causing human traffic jam for real weight trainers. He then goes to the shower and goes straight to the local guzzling 8 bottles of white cap while telling the waitress, ‘by the way am from the gym’. He pats the waitresses buttocks with one hand as her massages his balls with the other hand but there is no sign of errection. Bonobo doesn’t know that you need a combination of serious running, weight training, diet and off days programmes to maintain weight, build muscles, build testosterone and lose fat and overall improve sexual virility beyond 35years.
Strength training with no equipment ! ! ! When Strength training, what muscle group are you working on , keeping in mind Strength and Muscle building are Muscle specific ?
Just walk 10km per day for 3 days a week,ride cheki maneno for atleast 50km once a week ,eat well and healthy,drink plenty of water and you are good to go.
Mwanamme akianza kukua na low testosterone levels inamaanisha oestrogen levels zinaongezeka. That’s why anaanza ku lose interest in matters sex and starts hiding being ‘I feel satisfied when I achieve project goals’ bull rap. That’s why you see many men starting having hips and manboobs around 35 years going into 40s 50s and 60s before dieing a premature heart related death in late 60s or 70s.You are supposed to be concerned that you are no longer interested in women or girls instead of celebrating.
A man must lift weights,daily if possible, kama pesa imepotea like it occasionally does for Enigma, tafta gym ya 200 bob daily kama zile za South B ama Railways club and lift the damn weights and make the most of that 200 Bob, a man must go for runs, a man must drink alcohol moderately, a man must eat healthy,a man must shower with cold water twice daily. Most importantly, a man must nut once daily. Find a safe way of doing so. Getting interested in women comes naturally if you do all these. You hardly get interested in a woman if the kitambi and man boobs are standing on the way coupled with zero testosterone. The human body is designed for motion, if you don’t put it through that you die. Man was designed to nut, if you don’t nut frequently prostate cancer is waiting for you in the horizon in your 40s and 50s,especially if you are of African descent.
Shida ya hii kijiji ni kila mtu ni birrionaire hawataki ku ambiwa ukweli. Wee endelea ku chase projects bila ku chase your health.
Interest in terms of chasing women…agwas am physically fit. Former Mathare youth footballer… Still do football. Pia Leo Nmetoka zido. Nilianza kukula tudem at 17. Seventeen years later Bado nwe nakimbizana…hapana kaka. Madem hujileta but naona Ni upuss. Have a family, my best friends. Have two boys seven and five and a beautiful wife light-skinned kutoka sendro.