I’ve seen a post somewhere huku, about women/girls launching an initiative to end stigma against single motherhood.
They feel they deserve economic support, weddings and chocolates. However, an increasing number of bachelors have resolved not to marry. As a result, these women are very very pissed off. They’re even considering the idea of government coercion.
Naskia they’re calling for a set of legistlative policies which will require that every wealthy bachelor be assigned a single mother for marriage – whether he likes it or not.
It’s not just the single mothers who’re complaining. Menopausal spinsters are also “deeply angered” and tired of waiting for the man of their dreams to appear.
Senior sphincters like Truman capotee are patiently waiting for a white knight to come and fuck them.meanwhile when they start getting wrinkles and white hair mpaka kwa fudhi ,even bodaboda boys avoid them like plague. Now how will the government coerce a rich @Karoga who sacrificed all his life kujaza ka account na 4 mirrions to marry a white haired capote adeenyer hio 4mirrion na 4 weeks?:D:D karoga atajinyonga