Infinix - no matter how much I like hating infinixes

There is one thing that is hard to match by almost all the other heavyweights - the charging speeds! Simu inacharge from 20% to 100% in less than 40 minutes, it’s crazy!

And now this… [ATTACH=full]448477[/ATTACH]

Na unapewa na iyo charger , Samsung na Apple waende benchmarking uko.

Infinix hoyee lakini sipendangi upuss yao ya preloading apps I don’t know shit about na huwezi uninstall. Mbwa wao.

Yeah, they got the technology why don’t you leave them to test their products? We have no problem with companies testing their techs.

Just disable the apps.

mimi ni mtu wa infinix bila aiibu , used to buy expensive phones nika ona ni upuzi , they have served me well , hizo apps tu ndio shida but the battery life is great thats all I care about !

Ati 150W? Kwani ni heater? That’s too much

I have a 33kw and it charges within 40 min, 160kw is crazy

If your phone’s battery is not designed to handle that kind of charging rate, it might even explode…

That’s why I always recommend flagships from the major brands. They are always designed for all weather and all terrain. Certainly NOT Infinix flagships.

Finally they have enough charge speeds to sustain the background operation of those uninstallable pre installed apps. Good one on the charger though.

Infinix na media Tek zote ni meffi

I know infinix went for the fastest charging speed as a marketing strategy. And hats off to them. Business is just business + caveat emptor baby!

My problem is with these reviewers like Chris Barraclough (the guy @Soprano has linked up there. Dude will use the phone for 10 minutes, make a review. Then tell you how he has been using the device for one week etc etc And quickly switches over to the next phone. He will not use the device as a daily driver and only keeps switching between an iphone, pixel and a Samsung.

Wewe unaenda kununua simu one month down the line you start complaining but your voice gets drowned by a sea of reviewers like this guy and unbox therapy.

Nyamgondho’s recommendation remains the same. If you love your devices working perfectly Don’t buy Infinix/Tecno!

Just root the phone then Unistal the bloatware.

Truer words are rare!
I always have problems with these reviewers and their half baked reviews. Kama wale wa speed comparison videos hua bogus kabisa!

160kw,kwani ni transformer:D

Infinix ni meffi kabisa. Techno ni meffi kiasi. Oppo ni ghasia. Just buy a good phone

When you reboot or update the firmware the bloatware gets enabled. It will be like living with a lanye under your bed.

Hizo ninsimu za watu ambao hawana standards. Wale wa brithels.

The quoted article says “Upcoming flagship” in the near future’… Also i. The near future you will be definitely be a pilot, an engineer or a doctor.

Have been using an infinix note 7 lite …sijaona shida yoyote…was from oppo and they were great, only that I found them heavy