Why does USA has to compare herself always with China. I thought we were told by some US fanatics that China is a backward third world shithole country. Why don’t US compare itself with it peers of Canada Britain Germany France according to the fanatics.
Mwenye macho anaona, sio mitomo
Beautiful infrastructure
C’mon ,murica has alot to offer:D:D:D
America is still living the dream of global war despite the great equalizer of nuclear weapons making that an impossibility. There’s no practical means to excute a continental war like they imagine will happen with china. Wanafikiria mamillioni ya majeshi itakanyaga China, who has a respectable amount of nuclear weapons??? Unlike Russia, there’s no way to gode china into some small conflict and bleed them dry since they don’t seem to have any long term interest in anything anywhere.
Bidens first priority policy is preaching and enforcing homosexuality to the whole world
Where do the chinks get all these money? To build, give loans etc.
Check where the phone or computer on which you typed this was made in. Probably China.
I bet 99% of the applances in your house and the clothes you wear have a Chinese link.
China is practically the worlds factory
That’s how China has all that cash.
Manufacturing, services and agriculture are the largest sectors of the Chinese economy – employing the majority of the population and making the largest contributions to GDP
You have forgotten the gay themed this one
Anyone who thinks China is a power peer to the US is misguided
MAD was and still is possible with Russia but China does not have the capacity for nuclear retaliation against a US strike
China has plenty of neighbours who can be turned against them: Russia, Japan, Vietnam, India can all do significant damage to the Chinks. Canada and Mexico cannot do the same to the US even if they were enemies
Chinks don’t seem to think too hard about what they do: they placed economic sanctions on Australia, now Australia is getting nuclear subs and will likely find a new market for its goods in the US. It’s actions in HK undermine pro union factions in Taiwan etc
On yeah, just two nuclear warheads in North Korea have kept the US at bay for over 60 years. People undersetimate how powerful a nuclear weapon can be. A single blast can take out a million people easily. No one in their right head would say losing one city of a million is worth the cost. No president or country would be mad enough to do that for some short term financial gain. Even the savagiest capitalist’s are not that stupid
America is a service industry economy…china is manufacturing industry economy. US wanatoa hadi toothpick huko china.