Loving the wrong person.
So many people are suffering in relationships today because they refuse to let go of the person they are currently in a relationship with.
They know the relationship isn’t working, but they refuse to leave because they feel they might be able to change the person.
They believe they are willing to go to any length to ensure that the person continues to “love them”.
The hardest aspect is that they are doing everything in the hopes that the person would change, even when the person has no intention of changing in the first place.
If you’re in a relationship right now where the person is causing you more grief than happiness, then it’s time to let them go.
Accepting that things aren’t working is the best approach to avoid getting hurt more in this type of relationship.
It’s crucial to admit to yourself that the relationship is in disrepair.
I see so many people that are suffering in their current relationships because they refuse to face the reality of its true nature.
If your current relationship isn’t working, do me a favor and don’t force it, the more you force it, the more you will end up hurting yourself in the long run.
Nobody can take your happiness away if you don’t want it taken away. Your happiness is in your hands; your happiness is dependent on you.
If you don’t want others to continue to mistreat you…you have the power to stop them.
Take my advice and have the courage to leave the table when respect is no longer being served.
~ Cody Bret
Tafuta bwana B4 the last ova rots in a toilet or bathroom
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Women have a problem they love that man who care less about them, I observe that from my female employees. Unapata mmoja ameleta beste yake… Ana complain vile mujamaa anam date anamuonyesha dust. Na Mimi nawambia yes, that’s the right man for her.
Mnapenda kuumia sana
It’s hard to leave any relationship. For it to get to a certain stage, you have invested time and money. Can you walk away from a property you have partially paid for, just because it’s tilting a certain way.
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Personally, I have no problem. It gets easier with age. The first loves and relationships are the ones that are a bit hard to leave because of pair bonding. After you lose some to death like me, you realise that relationships are the most fickle investment you can have on planet earth. Afadhali upende simiti na gorofa , it will love you back in spades. Ask people whose kids have abandoned them after sacrificing everything for them. Others their kids have died on them.After all that investment.
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The main problem is the overwhelming desire to own or control situations…
The cure is learning to let go …
let go of past possessions , memories (… good or bad…) and give new ones a chance.
That’s how you grow.
overcome unnecessary anxiety and irrational fear.
Some things , events and situations in life will be beyond your control.
Focus on what is within reach and let the Pareto Principle sort out the rest…
- enjoy good times and opportunities to the fullest extent.
Resist the urge to look at all “Gift Horses” in the mouth…!!

In as much as this is true how do you personally relate with wife in the system of checks and balances in the same light
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We live peacefully without any conflicts. She is very understanding, and perhaps she sees me as a very understanding person too. There’s no unnecessary conflict between us na kila mmoja yuajua roles zake za kinyumbani. Hakuna kitu ya ajabu nina fanya ama anafanya to maintain peace, ni kuelewana tu na respect pia ni muhimu.
oh so your wife is logical after all and cant be affected by the disequilibrium tendencies women portray
Stockholm syndrome is a woman thing,
Yeye nshamuuliza mbona huwa anisumbua kama vile wanawake wengine husumbua wazee wao, akanijibu “sasa nikusumbue nisaidike na nini?” nikamuuliza kwani huwa hana mood swings? akanijibu “hata nikuletea nikuharibie siku ama ni create environment mbaya nitasaidika na nini and still najua hautanifanyia nikitumia hio njia?”
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Is that why men are killing women for dumping them? Im tired of your bullshit gaslighting nigga, get a jail cell!
It is not …
It tends to affect any weak mind that yields to adversity …
I came to learn no sober woman who is ambitious and focused will coexist peacefully with a drunken man. That was my problem and we went through a very rough patch, I was very wrong and would blame her all the time. The reason most marriages aren’t working, 90% NI pombe. I came to learn about that the hard way.
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