In whose hands are Okuyus safe?

I have heard some Kikuyus asking this question multiple times. Did you ever ask the rest of the Kenyans in whose hands would they have been safe when you were pushing incompetent and drunkard Kikuyus to power? In 2022, all that will be important are your votes. As for other poetic rhetorics, just keep them to yourselves. Just vote, go home and wait to be shown how to run a country.

You are wise.

I would have given you mricha moja you join my busaa party. You deserve an award

:D:Dsawaa ankoo

Oginga Odinga/Adonija Shitawa, or so I heard, Installed the first Kenyan president in the name of Kamau wa Ngengi. Mr. Ngengi had been playing the fine line between a traitor and a negotiator. This what they are afraid of. to be sold of to someone like maina njenga or even worse Kamanda.

We are safe in the hands of anyone. Si the rest of you irrelevant minor tribes have been okay the entire time yet hakuna mtu wenyu that was president?

Kikuyus we can get the presidency anytime we want. If mwenye ataingia will treat us like shit, tutamtoa tu. Tukiamua kutoa mtu mnajua tu how we do it.

The Political elite have their own exclusive tribe.

Stop overrating yourselves. Moi, the docile and semi-illiterate pastoralist mlishindwa kumtoa during the whole quarter century he was screwing you bila lube, then how will you do it to more sophisticated players.

I will repeat for a hundredth time juu hamna maskio. The next kikuyu president will happen after like forty to fifty years. After Uhuru, Kenyans will never let Kikuyus again use their so called tyranny of numbers to shit on us. NEVER!

Lakini sio raila bana. He is not sophisticated. We pulled the mask and inside he looks like a hybrid of Kamau Ngengi and Kulei.

The presidency is never about the president alone, especially in Kenya. For instance, Uhuru is the president, but the presidency is under a bunch of Kikuyu oligarchs, including Mama Ngina. It is simply what people colorize it as the deep state. Whoever will become the president in 2022 will dismantle the old system and create a new one in less than a year. Once the other tribes taste the presidency, Kikuyus will never see that seat again for a looooooooooooonnng time!

Dont focus on kikuyus. focus on getting an able leader. kikuyus do not win elections alone. many of them kept voting against moi and never won. moi wasnt sophisticated enough to steal votes effectively but he kept people in darkness so he always got majority votes. kikuyus dont dictate anything and you should look elsewhere for the problem.

Wee Day Scholar wa Harvard Online umerudi tena.

Ojinga will never be President

As an individual. What did kyuks do to you coz your hatred towards us is too much?:D:D:D:D:D

An hour ago, I was in a staff van with two Kambas, a kalenjin, Taita, Kisii and a Luhya. All colleagues of mine who are doing very well in life and career. Except the Kalenjin and I, the rest has never had a president coming from their backyard yet it hasn’t stopped them from progressing in life.

Hii yako ni chuki tu ya uchokoraa and am sure without your hate, you are nothing. You must be a failure in life and you focus your hate towards Kikuyus. It’s my prayer that other tribes get to send one of their own to State House so that you guys can realize how useless that position is to common the mwananchi.

Kikuyus will actually benefit more from presidents wa kabila zingine coz tuko na akili mob kuwaliko. It’s even better coz we shall be focusing on more important things wala sio siasa kila time.

Stop writing an essay for me. Ghaseer! You don’t have that choice of producing another Kikuyu president anytime soon. So stop consoling yourself with bullshiet words like “presidency is useless” or "Kikuyus have not benefitted from presidency ". Kaeni nyuma ya tent kama wengine na mngoje mpangwe!

Niaje Bonobo-in-chief

Niaje njaruo. Babako alikusomesha na kazi yake ya kuuza mkundu kwa lake. He always lied to you ati ameenda fishing. The poor state of your livelihood is what led to @Half_Human hating okuyus so much since they were the ones in government. I am telling you right now that it is not Okuyu’s fault that you and your lot are a bunch of bottom feeders. You could build a time machine and go 300 years in the future, you will still find your great great great great great grandson selling anus in the lake. GHASEER!

forrowing crossery

You must be one of those Rutochieths you gaping an*s!

I see someone saying kikuyus will not produce another president soon, come on, we already have produced three while your count is zero. So even if we don’t produce another in the next 40yrs sioni wasiwasi

Who are Rutochieths? You mean Sugoiman and his demented followers? Cool. Whatever! The most important part is that no Kikuyu will smell power for the next fifty years.