Us military recent budget 880B…almost half used outside their borders…
Second spender China…240B most on sea/naval ships/warfare…want to take south china sea
Us forwaded egypt 240M dollars in military aid last year… was part of agreement for Egypt to sign/maintain peace deal with jews…
US military aid to israel is a secret…
kwani hawa jews ni ghassia gani?
buffled egypt even overtook turkey in military mighty for signing peace accord with jews sometimes back…Egypt ni colony ya drumpfLand
@patco quote @T vercetti …io pesa ya vita ni oil ya middle east munaPora
Msito putin bado ako number2… to overtake US in 2022 militarywise…economically Mother Russia doing best in europe with illegal sanctions only implemented by US…
I could be wrong on this coz I have no exact figures: The money the US uses in fomenting hatred between nations and fighting wars is enough to ensure all kids in an entire continent get decent food, medicine, housing, and education!
The figures ziko boss…nmetaja offiicial us budget…huko katikati they steal, kill, maim, fund and the cycle continues…
io budget ya US military tu… ni fiscal budget ya africa mzima ukitoa SA na nigeria…
Crazy amount boss
Jews are just a portion of the American Elite.A small one that is. Israel benefits from American Imperialism as much as Saudi Arabia but no one calls out Saudi Arabians as being part of American elite just because they do not have S.Arabian billionaires calling shots in US. However a S.Arabian lobbying group does exist in America.
Brother Jews run America and holds it by the balls.
It is the Jews that run America’s media. It is them that run Hollywood. It is them who run the world’s banking system.
Now you understand why America’s military aid to Israel is a secret.
America and Brits were the ones responsible for the mess in the Middle East. Americans were the first to nuclearize Israel in the middle east and it’s placing sanctions on countries like Iran who want to run their own nuclear programs.
As for Saudi Arabia, there is an agreement to trade oil in dollars in return for defence and ‘other favors’ from Big Brother. Hence the term ‘Petrodollars’
The Devil’s Excrement used with the Devil’s Paper.
That was a good detailed article. The problem with the dollar nowadays is that the US has weaponised it and used it to advance its geopolitical goals.
Once the Chinese digital currency takes off, I foresee huge problems for the US because their sanctions become useless and they can no longer run the massive deficits and export inflation. @magreb angalia hio article hapo juu emphasising what you wrote the other day on the fakeness of the US economic system
Really great read brother.
I have a feeling that the move for petrodollars was inspired by a very tight circle of Nixon which was Kissinger and some really ‘shrewd businesspeople, financiers’
Currently, it is the petrodollar that is fueling the wars around the world and the instability in the middle east.
People should learn to peer deeper than what is reported by ‘owned’ mediahouses.
when i say the jews run the US thats exactly what i mean
who owns big tech ie silicon valley ? jews not arabs
who owns big pharma ? jews not arabs
Who owns major military industrial complex defense contractors like Lockheed Martin. Raytheon, General Dynamics etc ?, jews not arabs
who owns the major banks and financial institutions in the US ? jews not arabs