[SIZE=5]Good evening ladies, gents & hybrids ( Hi @uwesmake )[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Ever since I joined this platform, some kangaroos ( Hi @uwesmake @kanguthu @Pomegranates ) have mistaken me for being a different handle… This is extremely upsetting![/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Initially, they swore I was Her Excellency @TrumanCapote

Then they made a U-turn and accused me of being @captain obvious [/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Now, they claim I am a handle belonging to @patco and @T.Vercetti [SIZE=5](Why aren’t his accounts visible? Kwani jamaa wali-protest hadi mods wakamrusha Siberia permanently?) [/SIZE][/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Marafiki, tafadhali tuwache porojo na sideshows. [/SIZE]



The one & only account belonging to @WIGSPLITTA [/SIZE]

niaje mbwa koko

[SIZE=5]Poa sana @Herod.V[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]@uwesmake amemaliza kukupanua? Ama bado anaku-tingiza? Umechoka ama bado uko na stamina?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Eagerly awaiting your response.[/SIZE]

Your terminology is the same.
@patco = @T.Vercetti = @WIGSPLITTA = @Akon City

[SIZE=5]My nigga @Simiyu22[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]I’m tellin’ you dawg, It ain’t me! Issa case of misinterpretation perpetuated by unscrupulous parties you dig? [/SIZE]

ni salamu tu mbwa koko . i dont do chokosh fights


[SIZE=5]Yangu ilikuwa swali tu, I do not engage in nonsense either…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Anyway, Mukhisa AKA @uwesmake ameku-inamisha angle ya aina gani? 90 degrees? Ama 720 degrees?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]@uwesmake chunga usivunje hiyo nyang’au mgongo![/SIZE]

habari ndio hio, now give it an ol good rub alafu ulale

[SIZE=5]And you should develop a habit of addressing your colleagues respectfully.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Terms such as ‘Mbwa koko’ should only be used when describing or referring to @uwesmake [/SIZE]

@captain obvious nilishakuanika maji chafu wewe…ata ujitetee namna kani papa.

First, your desperate attempts just prove my point.
Secondly, no one really cares. Umbwa wewe @captain obvious

Patricia… surely , it’s clear as day that this is one of your handles.
Keep winning.


Bogi benda long time no see! Where have you been? Nimekumiss! No homo! Did you know Mukhisa AKA @uwesmake is half Bukusu half Njaruo half Jamaican?

As in nyang’au ana-represent Vihiga, Homa bay na Kingston simultaneously!

My guy my guy…mi niko tu bana, wera ndio mingi jo. Kutafutia Omosh pesa za pombe :smiley:

@uwesmake validate this kureim omwami vya ingo

@Freyja you used to be very cordial not too long ago… Remember when you intervened when giraffe @Pomegranates and I were sparring? Then you posted a photo of some hips?

Nowadays I sense tension and contempt. Kwani walevi @Pomegranates na @uwesmake wameku-influence?


Ama wewe ni Mukhisa AKA @uwesmake masquerading as a pink handle hoping to lure fools like @Pomegranates to your house alafu you strangle them & steal their belongings?

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I was so naive (as usual) when I tried to intervene or distract you two from those vulgar insults.
Someone pulled me aside and told me to watch both handles closely …which I did and voilá !
I hate deception and you two reek of it.

For all I know you might also be the @Pomegranate handle. You created your own arch enemy.

You are crazy like that…that’s why my bet is on you not against you.

[SIZE=5]Madam yaani you can associate me with huyo uncouth bogi benda anajiita @Pomegranates ? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]@Pomegranates & @uwesmake are by far the most primitive members of this forum. I can bet my ballsack hao jamaa ni makanga. You can easily tell judging by their foul language.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Anyway, I am certain it is @Coronatities who led you astray. Other than requesting a photo of her legs, I have never had any engagement with her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]At this rate, I suspect all pink handles are formations of Mukhisa AKA @uwesmake [/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]@Pomegranates chunga sana! Don’t assume ati some pink handle with wide hips ameku-noki! You may wake up beside a bush, buttocks aching, wallet not in sight and cheap smartphone missing! Courtesy of @uwesmake [/SIZE]

shika gazeti ya leo na quadrijoint na uandike hapo chini ‘mimi huwa sipangii wazungu matunda whole foods’

write time and date in EAT

[SIZE=5]Hehehe mzito si uko na jokes?

I will NEVER try to prove points to strangers online.

Word is bond.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Ati “Shika gazeti ya The Nairobian na elbows, Alafu andika hapo chini I love McDonald’s!”[/SIZE]