If your phone ain't ringing you have no fake friends who just want something out of you

I always wonder why has beens get hurt because no one calls them anymore. Look, you have nothing left to use, that’s why they ain’t calling. The world no longer revolves around you. Bitange Ndemo used to think his phone was spoilt is why it was no longer ringing off the hook. Personally I think it’s awesome because the users have moved on, now you have all that really matters that you had no time for when everyone was treating you like without you, the sun wouldn’t rise. Now you have time for yourself, your family and most importantly your God. I don’t know why that would be a disappointment. Let’s learn to let go gracefully. For everyone you lose, you gain time and energy you once spent on that person or people to reinvest on the people who really matter. Your family, and your God. There is no loss. People weren’t doing you any favors calling you, they were calling you because you had something they could use. You are now operating in the pareto principle giving your 80% to the 20% that really matters. This is something most people never understand may be until they are on their death bed then they are like I wasted my life on people who didn’t give a rat’s ass about me, who just wanted to use me at the expense of the wonderful people who really loved me. Your time, your life and your love are finite invest them wisely. Don’t give more than what you get to anyone. Don’t miss your mom’s birthday because you are working. Some people deserve you more than others. When you say yes to the undeserving users you are saying no to the people who really deserve you and your time and love. Attention is great but don’t let it take you away from the most important people in your life. Nobody is doing you any favors calling you, they call you because you have something they want. The question is how worthy are they of your time, energy, emotions and help?


Jimmy Kibaki, on his father’s retirement, in Sunday Nation;

“You go from all that busy schedule, where everybody wants to talk to you, to total silence. I see it with my father. It’s quite daunting. Sometimes the phone never rings.”

Choose your friends wisely.

Sometimes it’s not that people do it out of malice or looking to use you.

Life can get busy. Simple as that.

I am sure you have friends that you barely talk to yet when you meet it seems like yesterday.

Don’t conflate regular phone chatter with friendship. That should never be the yardstick for measuring it.

Hii upuss ya Bitange Ndemo should be rebuked. They were calling the office, not you.

People often mistake clients as their friends ama part of their circle. Utashangaa sana kazi ikiisha ama a better deal suffices somewhere else.

Huyu kibaki jnr ata sijui anazusha nini. The father has a fat pension and staff who can sing him lullabies akitaka. Aende ocha aone retiress wale wamebaki kazi ni kuchunga ngombe to kill time, na wameachiwa watoto wakumi by their slayqueen daughters wawachunge, wakiendelea kutombwa na sponsors Nairobi.

Niaje engineer wa soil science. Bado una chimba migodi na mitato.:D:D:D

Shenzi sana. Nachapa Kibao mosmos hapa. Slip zangu zote leo zimeuma nje

Unawekelea arsenali kichwa Kama Nani pambana

Those who call you at such times are the true treasured friends or vultures swooping in for the cadaver

There is also a very pertinent question did Kibaki have true friends. Did he nurture true friends or was he nurturing hyenas who associated with him to eat well.

Most of the Kibaki agemates are now dead so you can’t blame them. His boys like Kimunya and Kiunjuru should visit him at Muthaiga wapige story na waambie Mzee vile kunaenda

That is now the way of our politics. Even Kameana will be very surprised once he retires.

Everybody talking about phone calls refers to Bitange Ndemo. People were calling him for official favors. He mistook that for genuine friendship.
Nowadays we have chat groups that have updates here and there.
I only ever receive calls from family members and even then they are looking for info.