If you worked between 1990 - 2019 YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO WITHDRAW 200-000 KE254Shs from mlss check if your name is on the list


buda…leo umeamua utuskumie mascam tu

Wewe endea pesa bana

Sometimes wake up, dress up nicely,take an empty suitcase, ingia city hopper ,go to JKIA departures take a few pictures ,post them on social media with those captions like travelling manenos…log out,go back home, eat your porridge and sleep…let the village witches have a sleepless night

Kumbe this revolution guy is just a common scam artist? :D:D:D

kweli? hii kazi ni ya Ktalk top alpha male.

:D:D:D:D Hii ni kazi mingi wallahi

Are you over 18? HEHEHE. Kuna mtu alianza kufanya kazi akiwa mtoto akuwe na enough work experience.

Loooool!!!People have time to do such nonsense???

Scam ni wewe… Don’t drag REVOLUTION HERE… F-uckers must go… The gov is a top scammer…followed by Betin and Sportpesa and all Kanyaris

What do you call a dam built with towels and carpets and costing the peasant 21 billion…
such is what is called development nonsense… you are taxed to fund such nonsense and you gladly fall for it liwe liwalo

Consider this your last warning. Next time you share such posts again utaenda Siberia for Good

Sawa mkubwa

:D:D:DBanaaa wanaeza roga Emirates ianguke na mimi nimetulie hapa kayole