If you want the DCI to act, you berra hope your case goes viral on chochio media

Otherwise utachinjwa and no one will give a fuack
The lady is finally safe and sound, Alhamdulillah…though najua she’ll be traumatized for a very long time.


@johntez addi gaza msafi confirm ka uko sawa :D:D:D:D


I have a few ideas of how to punish the kidnappers. None should see the inside of a courtroom.

Huyu akifinywa mcagary atawataja hao wengine wote.

@johntez addi gaza msafi amepotea

That hooligan must have been in the mix, haonekani hizi streets of late.

Njaruo, who has faggoted you today?

Somali community walipatia law enforcement 12 hours msichana apatikane ama waanze Somali style “investigations” and “protests”.

She’s very lucky.

I don’t mind if a somali is killed.

Hata hana haja ya kufinywa. He probably snitched kabla kufika station.:D:D

Give them a break …they get killed by the dozen in Mogadishu

huyo suspect ni msapere ukimuangalia tu uso.

homosexual @Azor Ahai shida yenyu inakuwanga nini?

Niko gangari locked and loaded


Wenzake nguo na viatu zitapatikana huko tsavo na masai akichunga…

Why should a kidnapped skinny bother us? We have more important things to worry about.

Sema @Patricia, habari za Leo? Umeshida salama? Mungu akubariki.

I don’t even know why they announce they netted a kidnapper. Business should be finished on the side.

Thank gods mi siwezi toshea kwa roto tank.

Plus size?