If You own a Company: A Good Team-Building

Shida kubwa Kenya ni ushamba.

Team-building watu wanapelekwa kufanya some depressing shit. It is like PE in kindergarten.

A good team-building should be done like Jordan Belford used to do them at Stratton Oakmont (and that was back in the 90s BTW). Bring in booze, dancers and adult shows for adult people and let it run for 3-4 days then afterwards 2 days off. Next, watu wakirudi offisi watakuwa wamechangamka mbaya sana.

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Calabash wako na team building package


…bado my company haijafika hio level, nikiwashikia lunch hio inatosha

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Nikiwa corporate tulipelekwa naivasha kwa one of those resorts tukafanyiwa depressing shit on the field. The only good thing was drinking at night