If you are below 30 get yourself this book

vijanaa if you are not a patrician pris master one skill ata kama ni shoe shining, smooth talking can only take you so far besides you will never have the time and the energy that you have now, responsibilities keep on piling up as you age and if you are over 30, sorry mehn no hope for you.


You have said everything that a man needs to know. Maze there’s just so much to learn on the internet, kwanza Udemy courses going for 9.99.

Inbox soft copy

Nunua kitabu same way unanunua kuma. Bonobo


Thanks for this. App devt pap!

This reminds me of something i learnt about the japanese culture years back when i could watch NHK World on FTA. The Japanese have a tendency to pick one thing when in their youth, however simple it may sound and perfect it to the best of their ability. Hata kama ni kupika kahawa, you perfect your skill so well over the years that people come from far and wide just to taste your coffee. Then you can of course charge how ever you want coz you are the best. There is another old man who was very good at sword making. E.t.c


That is the secret of success in American families. They build on tradition. Most successful Big Corporations were started by a Great-Great Grandparent and passed down to generations who often followed the same path as the founder: Went to same schools studied similar subjects, started working in the same business in their youth, and took over from the parent, then passed it down to their kids. Each generation perfected and added more innovation and modernity to the unit as time went on and on.

The problem of our culture is then evident when you compare it relative to such progressive developments…No focus and No Planning.

Look at this courtessy @hewa safi:

In character and temperament" wrote Lord Lugard, "the typical African of this race-type is a happy, thriftless, excitable person. Lacking in self-control,
discipline, and foresight.
Naturally courageous, and naturally courteous and polite, full of personal vanity, with little sense of veracity, fond of music and loving weapons as an oriental loves jewelry. His thoughts are concentrated on the events and feelings of the moment, and he suffers little from the apprehension for the future, or grief for the past.

Ni Shida Ya Culture Ama IQ Ama Both? - News & Politics - Kenya Talk

Sadly nywele ngumu kama @Tom Bayeye hana skill ameperfect in his 47 years isipokuwa choking the tumbili

I don’t read books.

I thought that was the point of going to school.


Typical African Mentality trying to depend on someone else to put food in their mouth and chew for them… :D:D:D
School teaches you how to read and write.

You can learn a skill even in your 60s.

Kama ni 150 nalipa

Kweni mtu akifika 30 akili inawacha kufanya kazi?

There’s a Japanese show called ‘the professional’ and it focuses on that.

On one episode, a bus driver explains how he has perfected driving. Details of how he has mastered how to press the gas pedal with his toes to make the ride as smooth as possible for his passengers.

Our society and economy does not reward mastery only the most cunning make it anywhere. We don’t reward specialization, ni ukora kila mahali.

Yeah I saw that documentary. I am not sure if swords or kitchen knoves but I saw that they go for as much as $1000

Kwani huwa unasoma na kidole?