If this goes according to plan Kenya is about to become the second largest economy in East Africa with no chance of ever regaining No 1.

Tanzania is ridiculously endowed in natural resources it’s also a far more stable politically place than Kenya. Their land is vast and less than a quarter is arid scrubland compared to Kenya’s 75%. They have no problem feeding themselves.

Our advantage has been better human resource, miundo mbinu which we are squandering at all time rate. The Chinese are building everything and tail of patronage is wagging the body of the republic. Kitu tunajua siku hizi ni endless campaigns na kuchukua mikopo bila mipango ya kulipa.

My rant is invited by this here below. Makamba ndio waziri wa kawi Tanzania (or as they call it nishati).


Magufuli had to go. Xi Jinping and has friends Obama and Biden are now firmly in charge.

One Belt One Road.

In January 2021 after he realised that the greatest threat to OBOR had been removed from office, he quickly pretended to be Pro China but it was too little too late :


Xi Jinping alirusha matusi to the very end :

China has sent condolences to Tanzanians for the death of President John Magufuli, who Beijing described as “an outstanding leader and a staunch defender [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]of national sovereignty against foreign interference”.


that woman president in tanzania atatumiwa vilivyo na kina tony blair… hapo alituangusha

Nonsense as usual. Tuliimbiwa vile shithole Ethiopia itashinda economy yetu in the next five years, sahii we know it’s a highly unstable country that can’t even buy boots for its soldiers.

Tanzania is fucked.

According to one report I was reading, Magufuli was in a very tough corner.

On one side he innocently invited the Norwegian govt because he wanted a sovereign oil fund like the one in Norway.

Magufuli didn’t want TZ to be shafted by foreigners like it has been shafted before. He was especially suspicious of the U.S and China.

But what Magufuli didn’t know was that Equinor the Norwegian oil giant has very strong links with China. Infact the biggest market for Equinor LNG products is China!

So when Magufuli realized what was going on he started stalling discussions since 2014. Equinor had already invested $2 billion in TZ.

In January 2021 they walked away citing Covid concerns. At the same time they dangled a carrot : Mozambique.

They told Magufuli , if you don’t agree to our terms we are going to Mozambique which has more gas…

Equinor and Shell partnered to black mail Magufuli. Plus they have billionaire wahindi partners in TZ as well as corrupt TZ politicians. They started buying journalists and firing salvos at Magufuli.

Magufuli said fuck you I’m not moving. We have to renogitiate at my terms or you get nothing. He kept on stalling.

The rest as they say is history. Magufuli is gone. Equinor, Shell and China are firmly back in operation.

Tanzania will get the money Equinor decides to pay them which will be peanuts.

Magufuli’s heart was in the right place but he was fighting corporations that can buy the whole of TZ and feel nothing.

So where is plan to make kenya the 2nd economy in EA?

But who is really causing the instability?

On one side you have Turkey and on the other side you have China and their one belt one road. Two ambitious countries.

The Ethiopian govt currently leans towards Turkey :


Ethiopia-Turkey pact fuels speculation about drone use in Tigray war | Ethiopia | The Guardian

Magufuli also leaned more towards Turkey.

Biden supports One Belt One Road and therefore he supports China’s bid simply because, American goods are manufactured in China. If China makes more money, Biden makes more money. With OBOR American goods will flow straight from Chinese factories to new markets.

Meanwhile the towns and cities in the U.S that depend on manufacturing are all dying like Detroit. The guy trying to revive those cities and bring manufacturing back to the U.S, is labelled a racist white supremacist.

How is this a bad thing for the region? I’d rather if Kenya had the smallest economy amongst first world neighbors than lead third world economies.

Look around you. China has invested billions in Kenya. Have you felt that money?

The youth are crying daily , jobless, hopeless. Meanwhile everything in your duka and supermarket every product is made in China. Even the fish you buy now comes from China.

Soon China will even own Kenyan farmland and sell foodstuffs to you! How are you a superpower in that scenario.

Turkana oil is going from the ground and down to Lamu port built by China and off to China. How can you call yourself a WINNER?

You can’t even refine your own oil and consume it locally and create employment for young people.

Elite africans should have backed magufuli. If he managed to set up sovereign fund, then other countries could follow precedent and demanded better terms e.g. Congo.

I remember the first speech samia gave after magufuli left… She asked foreign “investors” to come to tz and dig minerals, even in wildlife/forest reservers areas… That tz is open for “bizness”!

Of course a sovereign fund makes sense because that way you can see clearly how much money is coming in. And every year you are told, mmengozea how much and each citizen is entitled to what.

The corrupt corporations don’t want that in Africa. It will hurt their profits immensely. Instead they usually say, they will support the local community, which is bullshit of course.

For instance look at Base Titanium in Kwale. We don’t even know how much comes in or how much goes out. They usually release fake fake documentaries sijui they have dug a borehole, sijui they are educating girl child , sijui they built a classroom… :D… complete horseshit.

In the Arab world , wacha hata Norway in countries like Kuwait the emir comes to a hall and seats down with his minister together with the village elders and the people. All the books are placed there.

How much oil did we export this year in Kuwait? Ndio hio. This year this village produced this much oil. We will build this project here. Massive books.

Na before Emir aanze kuongea kila raiya amerushiwa kakitu!

The American Oligarchy is making insane amounts of money in China, Can you imagine trying to convince the Walmart family to start sourcing their goods from the US ? That will almost wipe their profits overnight.
Making America great again is something they will fight, tooth and nail.

Tanzania ni shithole, Dar is like Nairobi in 2005.

Panda Modern Coast ujionee hizi vitu

Also travel to kigali and you’ll realise that Kenya iko mbele sana

You realize Tanzania isn’t directly behind Kenya in Africa?

Tanzania has to surpass Ethiopia, then surpass Ghana ,Then Surpass Angola ,Then we can start talking about Kenya.
Also ,it’s not like Kenya doesn’t have economic transformation projects as we speak.

The thing with TZ is they’ll build a school and make noise about it on Social media and start saying we’re coming for Kenya next.
Kenya is also on the rise ,in fact ,we’re more diversified in our economy & once we industrialize - Kenya could easily become a first world nation.

We just need to stop this ujinga of importing everything and producing nothing. These second hand markets like Eastleigh are one of the things holding back our Industrialization. Energy and Infrastructure have been improving in Kenya over the years but our culture of importing more than we export is a big issue.

I hope America is learning from the recent empty shelves. But maybe they won’t. They never will.

If China cut supplies to the U.S for 2 months itakuwaje? Same with Kenya.

Kenyans similarly rely almost entirely on China. What if there was a war?

This explains why General Milley almost kissed China’s balls reassuring them because the U.S is in fact in a very precarious situation in deed if conflict with China arises. Because everything comes in by ship! But instead of speaking facts as they are, akina Milley and Biden choose instead to protect their profits. No interest in country.

Hii mambo ya kucompete na countries ziko number last globally is a red herring. We should all be ashamed of our situation as East African countries. We are the global ghetto

We should aim to work with each other to compete globally.

ten trillion in debt that was wasted on white elephants and pilferage will do that.

Kenya iko ngangari , we just need to reduce corruption and voila we will be and industrialized country