i would tell her, when the Big Boys say its time to ship out, you start packing. its better for her to negotiate for her safe exit, and be given a soft landing, than battling it out with the state.
once these cases begin, there is no telling what other evidence the ODPP will introduce, which may end up complicating issues for her and others, wonder where the Smiling Guy haven’t advised her.
I’m pretty sure the legal minds, working behind the scene in regard to these, have prepared something solid.
My only hope is that the DPP has very solid evidence for a criminal conviction so she doesnt walk. Her case sounds more like a civil case, unless her attorneys are watering it down.
it’s a wrap. the sentence has been pased,the certificates signed… Most radical concept being her paying for her own pain.
Na kwani si ni ku vet tu mwingine who is conducive with jakom’s needs. Amongst all those other Luo and Kamba lawyers surely there must be a suitable replacement!
The question here is, kwani hata 2022 ni LAZIMA baba aende supreme court??
Going by the activity at that court including Kalonzo representing his tribeswoman very vigourously one can only help but wonder has the supreme court become a permanent fixture of the Kenya electoral voting assembly?
Apambane na hali yake
My only question is, since almost all the accusations happened before she became DCJ, couldnt someone raised these issues during his vetting? Do you mean there was n intelligence? What happened to the Judicial Service Commission?
so you think JsC is working? not a single thing has been done by their office people are just there to make money
It stopped being a civil matter when the theft at Imperial bank was discovered, kes 38 billion of customer deposits had already been siphoned at the time, the DPP is in essence saying she was in on it.
Mboss, the former DCJ was ousted by the JSC. When Justice Tunoi was accused of receiving millions from Kidero, a commitee was formed to investigate his conduct. I do not see anything different from the two cases. In all those cases, the accusations were grave. Simtetei DCJ, but there is more than meets the eye.
A friend once told me every single shilling has it’s owner. You can get one by working hard honestly or stealing. Some hard working folks lost a lot of money when that bank went down, some thieves benefited. This is the prosecution case chronology of events.
- At time x, she borrows some cash against two securities.
- At time y, she approaches the bank and requests that the securities be released so that she can substitute them. She never does.
- At time z, she sold of the bank securities. Never paid off the bank.
Now, doesn’t #2 and #3 constitute fraud. If it were a frivolous case, the CJ would have issued a statement by now.
By the time of her being alinged in court, the JSC didn’t have quorum. But anyways she ain’t above the law.
Some quarters want her at the helm, coz they know they will hardly lose cases in court.
The supreme goat guy was on top of his game when Mutuga was CJ, after change of guard, we barely hear about him.
If only, the lawyers representing her declared their intentions and interests.
Also at No.1 above, she did not own the securities at time x. The CJ will never issue a statement on a live case. That would be an ethics violation. In fact grounds for termination from his position. I mean why would the courts issue a judge to determine a case if the CJ has already determined the outcome.
The time for Justice Betty Mwelu is up…she should start preparing for her exit…
She can be defended by all Orengos ,Kalonzos but that will nt count…The handshake effects are coming full circle …Raila no longer gives a crap…
reminds me of Wetangula’s removal from senate minority leader… Baba in front of camera was supporting him, behind camera he was kicking him.
Finally he left…
huyo mama nawesa kamua yeye mbaiya sana
Former Kandara MP attempted to expose her corruption tendencies during vetting but was dismissed. I bet she is saying “I told you so.”
She is still the MP. Wahome
I wonder why we can’t be honest and earn from our own sweat. I have been building a Kiguistay Karibu na airport for a number of years. Some guys came, started and finished before I could do mine. My contractor happened to get some jobs in the neighbourhood. Once Haji started cracking the whip, construction has stopped.
Mimi naendelea kwa mwendo ya kobe.