Idea To Leapfrog Kenya's Status In 10 years & Then Replicate The idea All Over Africa

Kenya has 47 counties, this can form a very solid foundation for many sectors ranging from Healthcare to manufacturing.

We should have a Specialty Hospital in every county e.g Cancer Center in Nakuru, Burns Hospital in Nanyuki, Eye Hospital in Kiambu, Transplant Hospital in Kisumu, Trauma Hosiptal In Machakos etc so that we can decongest KNH and the other referral hospitals.

One County One Product was a good idea nd they even tried it in Ghana but failed due to mismanagement. This coupled with Technology Transfer would convert Kenya into a regional Powerhouse and we would not have to import tractors and many other farming equipment.

Jambass is busy looting

Ghana had one Factory, one District but they failed.

China did it and it was as you can guess a success. But for them it was about everything including farming, hospitals, manufacturing. You had one commune farming one thing, and manufacturing one item.