Guy’s i regret to inform you i was wrong about buidling a house in the village. Hii nugu inaenda kurudi kuishi rental na mamake after eating life with a shovel. Aiyayayaa ukipata kakitu simamisha kakitu unaeza jikinga mvua kukiharibika
Naona umepata akili. @Gaines will tell you that you should first invest in a cash-flowing business and make millions. He doesn’t know that when it rains, it pours. You also don’t stop making money sababu ati umejenga. Apparently according to some people, the ability to make money ends when you build a house.
Who is that sexy bitch?
Sexy kitu Gani. That’s a 4/10. Our resident vet Dr. @rexxsimba tebu come kiasi
Hebu post 8/10 nione.
There is also the gross oversimplification that business will always generate you income regardless of economy status and a plethora of other factors.
Hehe, sasa hii ndio 8/10…
ENyewe kila msee huwa na taste yake. Juu ya hii picha @rexxsimba has started following you
Kutumia words kama “plethora” ndio ilifanya nikapea kazi ya class rep buana…
Ukianza kupata pesa kitu ya kwanza unashika ni ka buroti maguta, unajua hata kukiharibika unaeza weka ka structure na ufiche shida zako hapo unlike kama unalipa rent ati kukiharibika unapata ma notice za agent na landlord, ukiwa na kwako unaweza anza mos mos. I hope wewe kama kikuyu ukona kamoja pale Juja farm ama mahali tu…si kutegemea ya wazazi ya ushago