I was married to a witchdoctor - bad boy manenos taken too far

Wah . Women. Women. Women.

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Nasemanga witchcraft is real elders laugh me out of town. Witchcraft and the occult. Ukipata mtu anafanya palm reading, speaking about things that are yet to happen in your life (divination). Just run and donā€™t negotiate. Run!! Hustle like the rest usiskize mtu anakwambia ā€œI see you will be rich in the future.ā€ And they do it in godā€™s name.

Nikiwa mdogo we used to go to a certain ā€˜prophetessā€™ na hapo kuna mashetani yaliingia nilispend 10 years ku deal nayo.

Delays zingine kwa life hutokana na prior involvement with the occult.


Letā€™s hekaya elder.


No, I wouldnā€™t want anybody to know how dumb I was.

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Weuh. Itā€™s part of life. Character development

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It might save somebody whoā€™s about to do something just as stupid


She was also on Obinnas 9 days ago, may God see her through. Mimi after story ya Mackenzie I have decided to keep off ,I look for God directly mambo ya proxy staki tena.

Do you know that I used to watch Mackenzie daily once I even wanted to go to his conference in Nairobi? Roho wa Bwana spoke to me in a still small voice and said to me, if you go and the man notices you, you will be in trouble. Thatā€™s how I escaped coz I was really hooked on his apocalyptic messages so thatā€™s how I stopped even watching his program. Mimi adi Nime escape initiation by baptism kwa Owuor. Itā€™s like nikienda tuu kutumbukia kwa shimo God snatches me just in the nick of time.

So donā€™t feel ashamed of your story , it might help someone, kwani unaogopa these ktalk busybodies? As long as hawakulishi why do you care?


One thing Iā€™ve learnt about the kingdom of darkness is that it knows when youā€™re about to make it, and thatā€™s when it strikes. The purpose is not to stop God from blessing you, no, evil doesnā€™t have that ability. The purpose is to frustrate you until you are worn down and walk out of godā€™s good plan by yourself.

Iā€™ve used this ā€œblessings theoryā€ because satan only becomes real when youā€™re walking with god towards an end goal. Outside of a committed relationship, satan is just an imagination.

By the way the devil manifests himself as an angel of light. Lucifer means giver of light (think of the word lumen). Thatā€™s who he was before the fall.

So when we used to visit prophetesses as a young person, there was so much talk of ā€œi see the light,ā€ and ā€œthis is what god is saying.ā€ It wasnā€™t godā€™s light or message. You know its not god talking when you feel troubled and empty. Godā€™s presence leaves you peaceful and fulfilled. Back then I was only maybe 10 years at most.

One of the main reason satan invests in the occult is to mess peopleā€™s destiny on earth. Mostly he brings confusion when youā€™re about to succeed. You see an opportunity for major success but you are not in the right state of mind to seize it. So after having gone to dozens of prophetesses looking for god, I exposed myself to satanic influence.

This manifested itself later on. Every time I was about to succeed, a major failure. I would have a dream, walk toward it, but right before reaching it, it was back to square a.

This went on until I was 29 when I left my father for good. I didnā€™t understand his involvement with all this because he never once took us to those diviners. It was my now late mom. However, I obeyed the conviction that I had to abandon him to salvage what was left of my life.

I canā€™t give full details of my failures and frustrations due to PTSD. Going to hear from god about your destiny from another human being is the dumbest thing you can do. God guides us from step to step through inner peace.

Thereā€™s much to say about this topic but thatā€™s all I can say for now. If you would like to learn about demons you can listen to Derek Princeā€™s sermonā€™s on YouTube. He was a British missionary who also worked in Kenya. I got so many answers and was finally liberated.


Apocalyptic messages nab many people because we all want to know about ā€˜tomorrow.ā€™ I also went to prophetesses because they would say nice things about my destiny. Ole wangu. At the height of my suffering I was sleeping along the beach, homeless and destitute.

Hapa ktalk I had to warn people about @messiahnette who rides on the apocalyptic gospel to mislead many.


Hii kijiji we learn through experience za watu wengine so wewe post you might save someone.

I also have the desire to start my own cult so ningependa kujua how it works.



When I was a very young Christian I had this eye opening experience, a friend was extremely suicidal after her bf who was the CU chairman ( I donā€™t know what it is with these CU Chairmen like Ruto) left her for a fresher. The girl lost over 20kgs and had attempted suicide. As friends and Christians we visited every pastor we could find who would see us, nothing worked. In the end she almost died and we got so desperate to save her that 3 of us just lay hands on her and prayed jointly and sincerely for a short time. The next morning she woke up as if she was a whole new person,as bubbly as she ever was. She dated a younger guy who was crazy about her and they got married after campus.

Thatā€™s where I learnt that pastors donā€™t have a monopoly of access to God. God made sure we could not get help from pastors to prove that to us.

The truth that we never admit is that we as Christians donā€™t want to do the hard work of consecrating ourselves to God so we want someone who has done so to act as a go between us and God.

Not all pastors are bad but many are not sincere , theyā€™re into the occult to get rich. I attended a certain altar of Owuor led by a nurse. The woman was so strong in faith that she prayed for people with cancer and they got healed. I must say she was very strong in her faith but I had to leave after she tried to hook me up with her crazy brother plus insisting we get baptised afresh even if we had already been baptised by immersion.The other thing was that she prayed for one of the pastors whose wife had left him for another man, for the man to die and he died while undergoing surgery for throat cancer. She was very proud of it too. I left silently and never told people about it because I still loved her. She was very motherly and helpful to not just me but many others.


I was also a CU chairman in highschool. A call I have partly regretted to this day.


Let me tell you that TV station of Mackenzie had me hooked from day 1, many people who went to Shakahola, went via the TV station. It had a strong pull that was supernatural, Iā€™m now careful about even watching these pastors on TV bcz spells can be cast via TVs and radios. Some Nigerians can cast a spell on you by just calling you and speaking to you. Thereā€™s so much evil lurking everywhere nowadays.

Every evening I was watching Mackenzie late into the night. I believe occult powers were involved in getting people hooked on Mackenzie via TV , miracles and conferences across the country. I started feeling uneasy when he became extreme saying people should withdraw kids from schools,not use medication and stop working. The last straw came when I saw he was coming to Nairobi and wanted to attend the conference. I clearly heard a voice telling me that if Mackenzie noticed me Iā€™d be in trouble. Of course I didnā€™t go and stopped watching that was in 2014. I would also get nightmares after watching his program.

Where things stand now, you must have your own relationship with God, thereā€™s no shortcuts. The Bible warns that even the very elect of God shall be deceived. Iā€™m even building a physical altar in my house to help me spend more alone time with God without distractions. I realised that if you make a certain place and time to meet with God daily He shows up. You will feel His presence. Just like He did with Adam in the garden of Eden and Moses at the tent. When you take 2 steps towards God ,He takes 20 towards you. I also want to try praying after every 3 hours during waking hours like Moslems do. Itā€™s hard but everything worth having takes commitment and self discipline.


This story has all the markings of a cult. Iā€™ve come to learn that cults have their own power and thatā€™s part of the deception process. Initially I used to say ā€œif they are false prophets, they have no power.ā€ Now Iā€™m wiser.

You can feel a presence in those churches, but itā€™s not godā€™s presence. Even miracles can be performed through ungodly power. In the last days the beast will call fire from heaven and perform miracles to deceive (Revelation 13:13).

The surest indicator you are messing with the wrong power is a certain uneasiness and doubt. You have no total peace. Thatā€™s when you should retreat.


Of course the devil goes after the people who have a great destiny and are destiny helpers to many. Someone like Ruto might have been an international evangelist who would have helped save many souls thatā€™s why he was lured at high stakes because of the damage he could have done to the kingdom of darkness - the symbolism of people being burnt in a church shows it. Satan always wants to mock God, after all God and Satan are the only two who know our true destinies. Us, we donā€™t know what the perfect will of God for us and our destinies are, maybe in the after life,we will be shocked to see our true destinies and how far we deviated from them.

What I also noticed is that God really loves and yearns for people who give their lives to Him in their youth. If you attend CU meeting for high school for example you will be amazed by how heavy the presence of God is, unlike among adults. Probably because younger people are wholeheartedly committed to God, not many things to distract them. Before the world taints them.


Satan hides very well and strategically in people with such calls. Even my father who I left was a CU patron in a big secondary school for many years. His actions, however, were hell and horror.

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This is eye opening. Haya mambo ya destiny is why satan fights godā€™s people to protect his kingdom. So satan sets a person on a path that is not theirs. But itā€™s the believer to decide whose destiny he/she will fulfil. Anybody who obeys god and fulfils his purpose will surely cause damage to the kingdom of darkness.

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I remember going to Odeon for lunch hour and morning service, there was a heavy presence like a cool mist or cloud, same as first time Benny Hinn came to Kenya. So I donā€™t know if itā€™s another presence or did God just show up because of the many people who showed up in these services. Odeon used to be so packed upto outside. Even Bishop Margaret at one point just listening to her on TV you can feel the presence of God but as usual with most pastors the money took her away from God. Now itā€™s Ichabod. When I remember Muiru in the 90s I ask myself how he fell to the extent of raising someone occultic like Ezekiel.

When you are powerfully used by God then you fall away, you become part of the apostate church, the great whore of Babylon. Getting back to God is near impossible.

Hebrew 6

4 It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age 6 and who have fallen[c] away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace

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Godā€™s presence is very strong in high schools, Iā€™ve been at a prayer centre for 7 days having 3 hours service from 6am and 6pm but never felt the presence of God like when I joined a group of CU high schools in the chapel on a Saturday. It was only students and their CU patron, Godā€™s presence was so heavy yet the rest of us who were fasting for days, even kesharing on Friday, being preached to by different pastors could not attract such a heavy presence. I guess the closer you get to God the closer the devil gets to you. Remember Job.


This is true liberation. I stopped going to church bā€™coz there was no real spiritual nourishment going on. Just a bunch of people praying for rain and hearing how much of sinners they are.

I tried forcing myself because I was afraid I was offending god by not going to church but that was another blunder.

On sunday i disobeyed that inner voice and went to church, on monday I was admitted to hospital for the first time in my life.

Nothing beats following inner peace.