Is it me or is a little bitchy shit here on a charm offensive? Smileys and Likes like confetti in Times Square.
You see, no man is an island and facades aside, it does hurt to be told you are an asshole by half the village. Or, or…Jesus…or we REALLY do have a certified psychopath abroad…
As the most influential talker (and the Admin too), I have found the change in behaviour in the SPECIMEN rather intriguing, though I have to admit it’s rather consistent with psychopathy.
Gugu it. You see, psychopaths have several traits that are a kind of signature to them.
They are generally very bright.
They think they are better than everybody else.
They have charm, which they turn on and off.
They are emotional vaccums - They suck in weak people like tornadoes, then spit them out.
They have a sense of entitlement - God’s gift to humanity.
They are manipulative and cunning.
Just Gugu it and come tell me, DO WE HAVE A PSYCHOPATH ABROAD?
I need a fight!
Come, baby, come.
(This White CUP is going to kill me one of these days!)
A Monologue is a one - sided conversation that makes you want to pull your hair out of boredom. It could also be a thearitical sketch of one person speaking to HISSELF
Am talking psychopath here, not sociopaths. Manki is a sociopath, basically a harmless guy who wanks in his bedroom to weird porn. The SPECIMEN on the other hand…
kuna msee aliingia kitchen ya hii local akachanganya choma zote pamoja… tumejazana hapa tukijaribu kuzi identify. @Wakanyama umekuwa wapi btwn 11am - 2pm?