Chris Obure ndio walimaliza Kelvin Omwenga, he has been a scammer since the early 2010s wakiwa na Jared Otieno
Anaishi the life that Kahalifu Kairo dreams of living
jamaa alikua anataka kugonga wazungu Ksh 1.2 billion after lying to them he owns Sentu Plaza. And I am sure walikua wameekelea deposit
Which make is this?
@TrumanCapote admit chimpanzees live large first… I know you have cummed by just looking that ‘machine’
Kairo is a small boy, una con wamama pesa ya harrier and then unapost ukiwa Jamaica. Serious fraudsters kama Obure and Jared Otieno dont even have instagram profiles
I saw a hot junguu man yesterday furaha niliskia! I’m still wet:grin:So is the car a Bentley or what make is it? I’m more of a house person myself. Do you think Ngina Kenyatta is chauffeured in a Bentley? I know some 1% and they don’t like these flashy cars. They just stick to Benz/ BMW SUVs but wash wash wako kwa Ferraris, Lamborghini and Bugattis.
He deserves whatever car it is he has, io job yake ni risky sana, na reward inafaa kuambatana na ile kazi yeye hufanya.
Maisha yake pia inaeza kuwa fupi, akikosa kuenjoy sweat yake sa ii, hajui kesho kuko aje
Dude must have a huge file hapo thika na kiambu road
Who cares
ww hata mkundu utamlaba
Tafuta pesa keyhii
Pia ww watu wakuongee
@MTINGIZA_KITANDA anachunishwa skuma na redneck Florida
Ndo ikifika mambo ya kulipia Malaya rent
I am not responsible for your depression bro… Blame Zakayo
Do you want the guy to commit suicide? Hio mdomo yako… MTU ako down then unamshow you are not responsible na ni wewe unapost makari Kari hapa? Have some sensitivity to the situation of your fellow Kenyans ata kama your bfs deck is big kua humble.
I’d have loved to but you are not white. I saw a fine junguu Jana I’m still smiling. Wewe na hio mkia yako black pelekea Akothee
Labda hizi magari ni zile za insurance fraud zimegongesha uko UK, ama wakifanya fraud, wanalipwa na magari
ama stolen ones
I like the way you are ignoring that white supremacist hippo.