You know there’s is a huge economic incentive for these two talking about their love life.
The two are setting the stage for media coverage.
Smith will never recover. Alikuliwa dem na chali underage.
We dong click on links. Weka story hapa ama ulete summary
:D:D:D:D:D mtumie album ya rose muhando. I know you know:D
Not really. The Smiths are Hollywood royalty. A list celebrities. Will has made how many movies in the last 5 years? And Jada, well, her last good film was Set It Off yet she’s remained relevant all these years. Media coverage and money are the least of their concerns. I think the problem is that Jada is a bit of a narcissist and Will is one of those too nice doormat types who over-shares. So both of them just can’t shut up about their “marriage”.
Jada is an alpha widow and anyone who knows about them appreciates what beta male Will is dealing with.
Hata auze movie ngapi na ashinde Oscar zote, he will never measure up to half of what Pac was ;at to least in her eyes.
Not going to happen Man. Do you
Mnaongea kuhusu a billionaire. He is not the problem. The wife is.
I remember some other stupid thread where some idiot was saying all you need is money.
Will Smith is the perfect example of why this is false. She’ll want you for safety but won’t lust after you.
Money increases your options yes but it doesn’t make women sexually desire you.
Alpha fux beta bucks is the reality.
Will is a genuinely good guy ,that’s why I feel bad for the Nigga.
A Woman’s love for the bad boy is unmatched.
Yani he’s still competing with Tupac’s ghost.
Akanyal crik Kama hakuna crit
Will Smith is an alpha too
Rich, charismatic,fit and good-looking
Don’t know how he tolerates all bs from Jada
Ni @Azor Ahai ameanza kupayuka hiyo nanzenz. Beta male strategies
Don’t be retarded bana. Ukijua your wife has never gotten over her ex, has actually fucked a family friend, na bado uko hapo shida ni yeye ama ni wewe ?
Hapo ni noma…
Success alone doesn’t make you an Alpha male.
You can be rich but still a simp beta cuck.
Money only makes you more of what you already were.
If you were a simp when you were broke
You’ll be a simp when your rich.
If you were an alpha when you were broke
then you’ll be an alpha when you’re balling.
I’ve met rich simps who kiss at the feet of women who don’t even care about them.
I’ve met broke guys living on their parents but just don’t give a fuck and still get the women rich men have to pay money for.
Alpha is a mentality not money.
Tell them sir.
fresh prince of bel air