I still love Michelle says Makena after kupatikana kwa kitanda na Bibi ya mwanaume

Yaani this is the month for drama mpaka kwa lesbians. My fellow singles tungojee Feb tujjipeleke Valentine Singles cruise, kwanza I’ve seen a very nice deal for Pemba, relationship is becoming too much in dis country. Couples wameamua we won’t have peace in this country Baba add taxes for breaking up. Yaani Makena was caught with a man’s wife? We need to specify it may be a woman’s wife, hii mambo imenishinda. I’m totally defeated. @Agwambo after kujidai hapa kumbe your wife is cheating on you with Makena? @Finest wine don’t miss this report. Udaku haitaki uzembe.


@iparabaraza almost committed suicide out of love for you


I still maintain …
Some good dic*k therapy and she will never look at another woman …:smiley:

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DNo-one beats our Mwari when it comes to analysing these shenanigans.
Sijui anasema nini kuhusu that married woman caught in the act. I hear most Kenyan women are bisexual. Yep I hear this comments from Kenyan men. Sijui walijulia wapi…although they are imenyis.:smiley:
While at it this KaMeru friend of mine from the Ethangata family…do you know them by the way? told me that our Kiambu men are ‘ihunguyos’ and that you Meru ngeos stay away from them:D:mad:. Homework for you today…pls ask a friend from Kiambu what this means…

I hear kyuk men have a sex timetable like 10 minutes a month coz they want to conserve energy for money making. I have no problem with that, nobody has ever eaten sex so wendo wa cash money first the rest are hobbies… I heard one day on classic the few times that I fell on it that a kyuk guy was tired of his wife sexual demands when he was going through financial problems. He can’t serve 2 masters at the same time. I don’t know meru women married to kyuk men but your ladies love Meru men. They say they are very responsible and they love their kids so much. I’m proud of my community.

Lesbians are very manly fyi the only difference is that they give women orgasms… I hear it’s why your wives like them :smiley:

Truth be told …
Lesbians are females craving the male role…
They can never be physically manly in any way …
The have only one advantage over our Dot Com Juvenile Generation …
Being Female , they know where all the sweet spots are …


But that is a skill easily learned if you have the right skilled Therapist … :D:D:D

Hurumieni sisi:D. I heard nursery schools are closing down sababu hakuna watoto. Our men wamepotelea kwa fombe. Alafu the remaining ones wako busy hanyaring and acting all clueless in family matters.
Meru people are more family oriented…na wamesoma sana. I think what happened here is that somewhere along the line Kiambu led the pack in notoriety and kufanya biashara…mbesha mbesha mbesha and lost their way along the way. Anawhooo…here is Mwari talking about Shiro wa Gp’s step child…as usual:D:D:D:D:D

Your obsession with this woman is concerning. Getrude Mungai is also a sex therapist. Diversify.

Lesbians are usually traumatized by significant men in their lives during formative identity building years of their lives . Like Makena Njeri it’s her dad. They then take the male role and trauma bond with others who have similar trauma they are seeking ab escape from. In the end they recreate the same toxic environment in an unconscious effort to resolve the suppressed trauma.

There are different types of Therapist’s and Therapies ( …same with Doctors … :smiley: ).
I happen to know both ladies very well and have featured Gertrude Mungai on posts here …


But , Madam Ssenga is on another level … :smiley:

From your own description , Makena is suffering from a kind of PTSD …

Nothing would be better than to link her up with someone professional who will guide her lovingly out of that pit … :D:D

I don’t think a sex therapist is what she needs. Her story is very chilling. It’s no surprise that she became a lesbian.

Lady …
Re-Educate and Heal thyself …

She needs to take a leap of Faith , find a good Mature Man who will take care of all her psychological and physiological needs …

Meanwhile , this short clip might address some of your own erroneous beliefs …
Thank me later … :D:D


Jojina kam hia. My gal Betty AZ amekasirika sana pale Arizona. Women pinching their BFF’s hubbies. Niko na swali for my punda wives…mtu anasnatchiwa akifanya nini? we have very dirty minded men in our midst. Men who can justify sexing a sista in law…this was alien in Kikuyu land but it is now happening…this was only acceptable in Jakuon’s territory…
