I stick to my original stance

I have a confession to make: I can’t fůck a prostitute. Not won’t, but CAN’T. Yaani I wouldn’t even get a hardon.

I’ve been to brothels before, but I don’t even glance at them. The idea of “kusafisha mecho” is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. The few times I’ve been in brothels I had gone to drink.

Sometime back I did some soul-searching and realized it’s not prostitutes who repulse me. It’s prostitution. The act of paying for sex.

I don’t consume porn, but sometime back someone here shared a video of some big-dïcked guy fůcking a chic who was clearly grimacing with pain. I was disgusted. But leo I came across a video of a high-school chic happily blowing a group of guys. She was sporting a huge grin. While I still believe it is gäy for two or more naked men to be in a room together, I wasn’t turned off by the video.

I can explain my state of mind. I’ve been conditioned to regard female pleasure as a measure of worth. I’m also opposed to the idea of paying for sex because I want a girl’s genuine desire. I’ve been programmed to regard women’s attraction as something worthy.

But the truth is that female attraction ain’t shit. That a girl is sexually attracted to you has no bearing on your real worth. Would you consult a 22-year-old girl on an important issue, i.e something related to finances, medicine, engineering, physics, e.t.c? Would her opinion matter? Of course not. A teenage girl is only interested in tiktok. So why would her estimate of your worth as a man be treated as important?

I know this. Infact I’ve been dispensing the above advice for quite a long time.

And yet… I still can’t bring myself to fůck prostitutes. I’d rather seduce the kienyeji next door. Call it vanity. I won’t pay for sex.

Some idiot will respond with the old tired line: “everyone pays for sex.”

Wrong. Spending money to get laid and paying for sex are two different things. I can spend money on a haircut to make myself look more appealing. Paying for dinner is not on the same ballpark as paying for sex. The girl who accompanies you to dinner is not in it for the money. She is merely participating in the machinations leading upto the sex. Girls don’t want to be thought of as “easy.” They want to believe that “it just happened.” Dinner is part of that covert process.

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Your sentiments and views are valid, however, your worldview is a bit immature. Relationships are about exchange of value.
The male has the instinctual desire to seggs and propagating seed, whilst the female is inclined to seek protection and provision.
Sugarcoat it all you want, however, it is your resources in exchange of perceived value.

And it will get worse for the next generation. Hata hautakuwa unaingia brothel ama online, mnapatana moi avenue ama Kenyatta ave na mnabook room. Yaani unataka mtu mtadiscuss Pythagoras theorem

how does this negate my point? You seem to be an idiot

It is not in my role to determine your value system, nor is it mine to dictate how you should lead your life.

As everyone is, that does not share in your viewpoints. I’ll overlook this on the discourse of your inexperience and fragile ego.

I’ve never heard you say anything sensible. Kula block.

@Uzo = @Tauren = @Ma Xiaonan = @uwesmake . He was demolished his buttocks at highschool