Have been away for the last three years. Just got pardoned by Kamwana, and Thank God am Alive, Unbeaten and Well. Kenyanlist as i may guess iko down, kina Wanderi, Supu, Jakenya what happened while i was away. Naona kina Uwesmake, Electronics4u, Mata, ndio kusema hapa. Kina Kabuda, Jerry, HalfJadhe, FalaFulani, CouchP, Pendo, nadhani pia wako. The takeover generation ya Klist kina Lola, Kawambui, TSL, IceCube, Cote, though as much as i miss klist, i hope i will feel at home
Happy Holidays KTalkers.
New Villager karibu, lakini jua apa sisi apantambua Klost. The slate was wiped clean, kila mtu akaanzia zero. Hebu sasa leta hekaya ya huko ulikua tuone kama utakua Villager by close of business today.
Leta hekaya ya kukamuliwa kunyi na akina onyi
Junkie, huja acha umama.
Umama ni wewe
ulichinja mbuzi ya nani? leta hekaya anyway karibu
Hapa salamu sio muhimu kama hekaya
Sasa wewe! Mscheeew!
Wacha kutudanganya… 3 years ago there was no Lola in Klist neither Junkie…
Fyi @junkie was a klister since 2007 handle ndio sikumbuki ilikuwa gani thnks to supu na jakeino kunipiga kalamu
Enda maliza menses.
Kazi kusmoke handles huwezani, achia Bada Ligam, Supu, Jakenya, HalfJadhe, GMN.
Stick to the Momo’s pics. Wanker
Pia mi naona, you might be…
Alive, Unbeaten and Well.
But kitu unahepa kusema ni story na rectal drainage pipe.…This is important coz we need to know if its still functional as its supposed to ama mtelezo ni anytime coz of the damage. Don’t Shy away son. hapa uko kwa ryt family who will take you as you are. WHY its important to give such details ; coz theres a diaper campaign and we’ve got to give everyone whose affected willing or unwilling…but latter is a priority to us. then ziki baki wale ambao ni willing wanapata remainder.
Karibu @SasaWewe. Unajua huyu mzee anitwa Kibaki? Yule amekuwa ndani for 41 years?
Halafu wacha niite @highschooler akupee kamtihani.
Keti ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> pale
ambia @Wakanyama alikukatie nyama ya Ksh 199.00?
Jibu mtihani ndio tukubali ni wewe…
- Apart from kaswende name 4 other
ailments treated by doc Luther. - Name three characters in the
wakorino legend. Name the author
too. - Name 4 listers Supu ever referred
to as sweetheart. - Name 5 women climbed by the tree
of mabenda. Name the locations too
excluding the pujo. - How many handles did Qamquot
own? - Name all the nationalities sampled
by international d*ck sampler aka
unicorn - Lister gani alimanga Boniface wa moi university?
- Lister gani alipatikana akiwank na girlfriend yake kwa nyumba?
- Lister yupi alikuwa na shida ya kutumia tissue paper mpaka hubby wake kept complaining?
- Who was that lucky lister who fucked @Kaswii wa klost?
- Ni listing gani ilikuwa na over 130,000 views and over 1100 replies huko klost?
- Ni lister yupi alitafuta financial advice akiwa Japan?
- Which lister posted his photos in klost and attracted many comments?
- Ni lister yupi huwa source mademu kutoka as far as kapsabet, marakwet na eldy…hint (alienda msa recently akamchukua amina casa b, amina hata hatamanishi)
- Wambui kumeza toothpick.
- Pass
- Jakenya, kuna huyu dame bisexual, a fellow named Judas, Pendo.
4 and the rest sikuwa na time kufwatilia.
Unicorn ilikuwa multiple handle ya jamaa fulani, cant remember his name.