First of all, I searched in google. Google gives me two pictures.
I want to know which is the coat of arms of Kenya between these two pictures
Which is the coat of arms of Kenya between two photos?
Why did you use both male lions or (dragons)?
Can you explain the meaning of symbols in the photos?
Thank you.
Tanzania we have only one coat of arms
The central feature of the Coat of Arms is a Warrior’s Shield which bears a Golden portion on the upper part followed underneath by the United Republic of Tanzania flag and a red portion under which are wavy bands of blue and white. The Golden portion represents minerals available in the country; the red portion underneath the flag symbolizes the red soil of Africa; while the wavy bands represent the land, sea, lakes and coastal lines of Tanzania.
Superimposed features on the Shield are flames of a burning torch which signifies freedom, enlightenment and knowledge; a spear signifying defence of freedom and crossed axe and hoe being tools that the people of the United Republic of Tanzania use in developing the country.
The Shield is set upon a representation of Mount Kilimanjaro. On each side of the Shield there is an elephant tusk supported by a man on the left and a woman on the right. At the feet of the man is a clove bush and at the feet of the woman is a cotton bush, thus indicating the theme of co-operation.
The United Republic of Tanzania motto “Uhuru na Umoja” is written in Kiswahili and it means “Freedom and Unity
There are many versions of Coat of arms of Kenya
This has red background of the word “Harambee” and lions have black hair.
Can’t rily see the difference in terms of the design, just different websites trying to show the coat of arms in their own understanding, try getting one from the Government website or the KDF. It should be consistent in these organs
So!! Don’t you see the twitter link I shared!!?
Au unataka kulazimisha vitu? Why don’t you concentrate with this thread to answer the question I asked? I want to know about the coat of arms.
Sasa wewe unakuja na vitisho!!? What for? Are we not free in this platform?
I need answers siyo vitisho.
Lions symbolize protection.
Spear and shield represent unity and defense of freedom and rights
Shield contains national colors which are also the colors of the flag of the Republic . Black, for the people of Kenya, Red for the blood shed in the struggle for independence, Green for the natural resources and white for peace and unity.
The shield and the Lions are placed on top of the Pride of Kenya, Mr Kenya on which there are pyrethrum, maize, tea, coffee, pineapples and sisal which represents the fertility of the land
There is a scroll that supports the full ensemble that is written Harambee which is Kenya’s motto that translates to ‘Pulling together’
On the shield is a rooster holding an axe while moving forward, portraying authority, the will to work, success, and the break of a new dawn.