I know baba has met UK ..i know,i now ... but

stop believing this narrative

True that, when the mighty US of A coughs,both the govt and opposition must tow the line.

You are not going anywhere ,are you?

tinga is a very sober man btw, i think the hardliners who surround him are to blame for how he’s viewed by some quarters

Suddenly the whole country is feeling it is Feb 2007, mimi nitangoja kuona. Can we now go back to the issue of the missing 40 billion, plus the country haina pesa.

We all agree that this is a way of your acknowledging that all along baba has been dry frying nasarites bila lube.We cautioned you,we enlightened you,we beseeched you,we did all the manner of things to have you and your teammates who might never signing in ktalk again after this event, to vote for not the best but sober side.Sasa like you keep telling us.Its my turn to tell you Kuleni ujeuri na ubaradhuli wenu.
Lastly “kaput” mean different things in your generation and mine.Come clean.
Lastly its never that serious,i respect people from all walks of life (labda mhindi) its just that this platform at times pushes me to my limit

Write your reply…@Abba no need to go

Mteso kubali Rao amewabeba malenge. Jinga.

Waah! pole sana ndugu @Abba umeumia hadi osungu ikakutoroka? :eek::eek: ( @admin terrible emojis)

Now that game’s been played out, we can all revert to our earlier roles, eg. Mwalimu @gashwin rudi kazi

We can also take time to review the game to understand whether we were in the right game, were considered players, were the ball (were being played) or even worse, were mere spectators to an event whose end game was already predetermined. (Green smiley inserted)

Hapana taja taja mimi ovyo ovyo naniko kwa ranch kutuliza. Mbuzi… :cool:

Mteso Abba, my dear naomba kusafishwa mecho. :p:)
It’s high time we moved on as a country, politics imechosha sana.

True, only that this time kuna mtu amekuja mkia. Now that what justice is, hio ingine ni ya story.

:D:D:D…amekuwa mteso tena?

Mteso uko na osungu mbaya kuliko. Apart from your terrible grammar already pointed out up there, you dont ‘debate to’, you ‘debate with’. I told you that you try too hard to sound clever but…