:D:D:D:D…Boss, you’ve gotten to an age where time is really not on your side so you cannot afford to be choosy. One more year and the kids you get will either have down syndrome or will be autistic.
Hii ni reasoning ya 1994 A-, first class honors, published in 19 int’l journals?? Lakini usijali kama FiudMasho alipata baby boy in his 60s then you might also be lucky…
Gorobs is a somali name for divorcees…are you an arab or somali? these guys marry early in life…its either you want a second wife ama you are just loooking for anal escapades like my arab old friends…tangaza msimamo
Aging doesn’t seem to do you any good since your thinking is still stuck in your teenage years.
The only things you are likely to get as you age are old age associated ailments.
You the type who calls all men gays and all pink handles guys …I know you need attention but I ain’t the one to give it to you .Now go take your frustrations somewhere else .