I found love

Some muslem gurl saw my phone and tried snatching it from me. I offered to give it to her, she neglected shyly. She wanted to get my attention and I gave her a smile of Romeo .
We was flirting and as we walked:).
There was chemistry and I have to charm my way In.

Wewe ngoja @Bingwa Scrotum akuje

Well that’s interesting. I used to believe love on furst sight was a phenomenon strictly belonging to porn scripts

Atakupea Anal pekee


Kwani Bingwa doesn’t know Bantu’s fuck warya girls ?

amka kabla ukojoe kwa kitanda ya madhe



I can promise you, I never Lie.

Wallahi sidanganyi

Achana na Zoomalis.

Hawaezi Kubali tunafinya madem wao.

Ata ile maneno ya dem wa Rwanda hukuwa unatupima?

As long as si Arab hainihusu

That story is even more depressing, why are you giving your phone to a stranger woman?!! Kwani how desperate can a guy get!!

Ni yeye anatext hii hekaya ama mnafanana ikifika time ya umama?

Kweli kuma hutoa mbwa kitui inaeda Tharaka nithi

Si hii mutu ilikua idedi some two weeks ago?

Binadamu ndio unaita umbwa? Hujui difference ama you are just being inconsiderate?.

I post what I want. You can Ignore if you would want that. Sio lazima ukujie thread zangu with critics kama Kumbavu ingine sijui uwesmake. I blocked the mf a yr ago. Nigga cant just get of my dick :smiley: