I fail to understand

Yes dynasties have to be castrated at all cost and if possible tossed away from the community.
Kitu sielewi ni how electing a killer,a land grabber,a looter,a liar,a person who uses bible to hide his ill doing is going to help Kenyans.
Ama its a case of fighting the dynasties then embarking on fighting corruption.
Nasikia Canada kuna opportunities mob available for black-skinned ass like me,pls leteni connections coz huu upuzi siwezani.

I don’t even think the guy will even be on the ballot come 2022. Chill out.

My country men have this misplaced belief, that come 2022, they’ll punish Uhuru and reward Ruto.
@Motokubwa , you’re disillusional.

This is what am talking about,jumping from frying pan to fire.

Word on the street is that Uncle Ruto is totally emasculated at the moment. Alikatwa makeii na akang’olewa meno so his office is as useless as Nyoro’s when Waititu was governor. His best move is to figure out how to ascend to power during Uhuru’s term…like Nyoro did with Waititu. Ruto must figure a way of removing Uhuru from power before his term ends otherwise he will lose in 2022. Unfortunately, the process of impeaching a sitting president is not viable because the committee of eleven senators who decide the outcome of the impeachment can be bribed easily.

Uhuru is a skill full strategist. He did not frontally confront Ruto. He encircled him and befriended all possible serious allies. Tinga,Kalonzo,MaDVD,Weta and Gideon Moi were all coopted. He then moved to dismantle his network in govt through sackings and prosecution. He has now transferred his allies in Cabinet. Tuju is cleaning house in the Party. Soon they will make changes in Bunge.

Ruto will be left very weak to challenge UK in a meaningful manner. Ruai was a bold move that sent the message that for every insolent outburst there will be consequences.

[quote=“Masood, post:6, topic:222370”]

Uhuru is a skill full strategist. He did not frontally confront Ruto. He encircled him and befriended all possible serious allies. Tinga,Kalonzo,MaDVD,Weta and Gideon Moi were all coopted. He then moved to dismantle his network in govt through sackings and prosecution. He has now transferred his allies in Cabinet. Tuju is cleaning house in the Party. Soon they will make changes in Bunge.

Ruto will be left very weak to challenge UK in a meaningful manner. Ruai was a bold move that sent the message that for every insolent outburst there will be consequences.
[/QUOTE huku chini ni liwe liwalo[/QUOTE]