I Don't Know Why I Find This Tragically Funny?

Dude,rape happens in real life too.
Do you always have to deviate from the topic?geez…

let me pick your brain for a min…be honest…is it true what guka says up there?that women get orgasm from rape?or will the victim have a mixed reaction towards the rapist to some extent?

That syndrome cannot develop within four hours. This was the Threshold Syndrome:D:D:D:D:D:D

He he he he he!


Aki sicheki!

I was also wondering whether today his self proclaimed high IQ had deserted him.

Reports show it happens in some cases.When the victim is willing to admit it. I can imagine how many women never admit that because they feel it’s shameful and they judge themselves harshly.
I don’t know what they go through.
Guka may have a point…In my case, I can compete with a man in all fields I’m good at.Go feminazi once in awhile but when it comes to my base instincts…well you have read my hekayas :D:D:D

Damn!!i mean during the act the victim is aroused and all over sudden she is wet!?women are somethn else for sure

Hey, but that doesn’t mean its right! It doesn’t happen to all the victims,especially young-lings.:frowning:
I have been going through some views on the matter and it seems a woman does get wet,when she loses the will to fight. She submits and the brain sends the necessary signals to the body and an orgasm may occur.:(:frowning:

TF?am done

Matundura mtu mjinga sana.

Niaje Sexually Starved Potential Rapist Guka Couch Chieth.
Umerape wangapi so far?

Hii stori ya eti 50% ya rape victims getting orgasms ni mbullchieth.Huwes justify rape na umeffi ya orgasms.

If you are ticklish, it doesn’t matter who tickles you,ata ikuwe bifwoli wakori.You’ll fell hako Ka nyenge.

So uwache upuss ya justifying rape eti juu the victims wanaorgasm.Its their bodies reaction to sexual stimuli irregardless of the “stimulator”(rapist)

Moral of the rant?Omba kuma pole pole

Tragic story, interesting outcome and the comments are crazy.

However I have always know that if you give it vizuri to your spouse then a lot of things wouldn’t be a bother in your relationship. Bad behavior will be tolerated, mistakes forgotten and even in some cases brokenness wouldn’t be the end. Lakini if you fail in that department, you will be like a few people I know who live in bars.

Inatakikana unamwita, she has to prepare psychologically first then you don’t disappoint.

Guka you are smarter than this.

I don’t know why you trivialize rape and choose to blame the victims for what befalls them. Can you imagine a guy hijacking you and having his way through your anus? Yes, it’s that bad.

Anyway, I have come to conclude that either you are a closet/potential rapist or someone that rejected your advances was actually raped and you felt that it was a vindication for your rejection.