God created Adam and Eve. The two bore Cain, Abel, Seth bla bla… no minji minji somewhere. Cain akamada Abel… But a generation followed. Who did the men dry fry? Their mother Eve?

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Who believe in Middle East myth in 21st century?


Ukisoma Gen 5:4 “After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters.” Voila!

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It’s in Constantine’s Constitution!

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And then the society and the church at large is mad at you ukipewa slices na siz yako!.. Who did it first?

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Necessary at that early time. In any case, Adam and Eve were created whole, full grown against the normal course of life. Besides in the middle east, the first cousin is prefered as the ideal spouse (just to keep power and property within a group)

Come up with your own

Naah! inbreeding and the like problems…

TDF ilitembea between siblings ama?

Then some barriers should be done away with!

Which system were they using to count years then?
Scientifically its not possible to live 8 centuries. . .

A year wasnt 12 months back then…the measure of a year was different. Maybe they called 2wks a year.


Hio inamaanisha unaeza kamua siz yako? Yive nu mraru? WARAMWA!! Hio hata sio mambo na church. Kijijini utachomwa na tairi kwanza…saitaaaaaa…ama wacha tu.

Just to mention. How practical is it for a 600 years man to build the alleged ark? I call it alleged because there is no history record of the same…

Infact there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s only humanity and the blood closeness that keeps us away so as to maintain that one main tie, the family bond tie which is more worth. Once we reach threshold, the tie is violated and guilt strikes us!

So, unauliza how the human race came to be, ukashoiwa kuna madame walizaliwa. Kumbe ilikuwa ku-justify kukamua siz yako? Sare madre jamaa. Atleast Cain had no other option. Tafuta coomer elsewhere man…

IN biblical interpretation, we use principles to interprete the bible. Don’t analyse meanings of things if the simplest meaning makes sense. The bible says clearly ‘the evening and the morning were one day’ then we use the same meaning of 24 hours. That way, we don’t run the risk of creating heretical ideas that were not mean’t when the bible was written to the first audiences.

“christians” using the,christian bible to disccredit christiannity. Funny


Umenikumbusha @justus Sumbua…:D:D:D