I can't deal with emotional bitches..

To day was a beautiful day! I picked one of my pretty little things from her work place, out-of town kidogo, on a our way back jam ikashika in an odd place that you wouldn’t expect a traffic jam, we drive pole pole hadi we meet a guy lying on the tarmac, dude is clearly dead, brains scattered on the road, blood everywhere, the proverbial one shoe imetoka kwa mguu, this guy was riding on the wrong side of the road, probably overtaking then boom! Pikipiki ikapatana no lori, the asshole has no helmet, he has no reflector jacket, he’s in a T-shirt, dude clearly doesn’t have give a damn about his life! They guy who nocked him out was on his phone, not alarmed at all, probably akisafisha macho telegram, so I pulled up my window nikaendelea nasafari like nothing happened, then this b looks at me in a weirdest way, she’s almost in tears, like seriously, you’re not going to stop and at least see what you can do! Mmmh! Are going to act like nothing has just happened? Mmmh!? The guy is clearly dead! Let me check, Ohhh I’ve just found out I’m not Jesus, I don’t bring the dead to life. You don’t have a heart, I don’t know why I even considered dating you, you always do this and act like its a joke, sop sop sop, hivo ndio nimeenda up no the worst blue balls ever…


hehehe…kwani ni yeye amekufa. Wanawake wana mambo. sawa mukumbwa. Mimi my new young catch was contacted by another bitch yesterday who then fucked up everything so I picked her, we had a small talk in the car several km from her place. She told me to return her home. Juu mimi sijui kubembeleza na najua it doesnt work anyway, I sped back to her place and she hopped out. I sped back home, cursed that bitch on phone, and I’m now still awake counting losses and planning on what next and if I’m just going to drive home(ocha) Saturday evening to kill boredom.
If she quits because of another wild bitch i’ll just drive home and say high to momma and poppa. Fuuuuck!!


clearly you don’t understand the language of the female homo sapiens…all the lady wants is for you to offer some emotion solace and smoothly lead her coconut skull to your el pito & cahonas regions and let her wash away the tears as you exclaim “there there darling…at least the guy has finally rested”


Wanawake wanafanya munakosa usingizi ,elders munafurahisha.


koburo umepona matumbo? lala jamaa ama system ikuwe na short.


It’s good sometime to be an actor to have peace at night.personally iv made emotional blunders and got the same reaction .But being a Denzel Washington of the movie “training day” works for me.

If you act real and tough non-emotional persona ,utadisconnect na yeye. [SIZE=16px]If i was you I’ll shake my head and say "wow sad RIP. " [/SIZE]

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@jerrydubiz I think u must have mumbled something to the effect that the dead man deserved it…and that triggered her “maternal hormones”…


Is this the thread where we rant about women in our lives? We will be filling the servers.


@admin please ongeza icon ya kucheka mpaka unatokwa na machozi. … TF is this?!!.:D:D:D


Hata mimi nishawai piga line ya ooh hujui kubembeleza that means you are heartless yada yada yada. I told her I don’t bembeleza coz I deal my cards straight commen ndio hubembeleza and good luck getting to commen you desire. No wonder nice chips get bad boys, ni hii kupanda kubembelezwa


I was once told I work too hard sinanga tym. I used it to my advantage n left her saying, I am not a man nitatandikiwa leso tukae tuangaliane the whole day.

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maybe her first man was boda rider…



Booty ya Njeri niaje

Gari ni yako ama yake? kama ni yako ungemwambie ashuke na umpige teke anguke na huko

Wouldnt give a damn either.

the ammount of meffi gas Th4Meff2O4 in this thread is too high


Irimu 12 hapo umenena

We are two different species.the way they see it is not the way us men see it… badala ya kureason why not borrow a leaf from our fore fathers all they did was pretend they cared and every sentence ikiisha na "sindio ? they would nod coz by then walikuwa wamecram tone na pitch ya new catch…as in they knew when they would nod time ya kusema "ni kweli"na ile time perfect ya kusema "it will be alright. n at the end of the day slices unapewa bila stress

Nyinyi wanaumme ama ni mabinti. Kama hauna emotions that your problem, you might as well go work at the morgue. Admin delete hii thread na u ban those two handles hapo juu.