I am so sober...

After a lot of heavy drinking on 23rd i made a total fool of myself, not that i am not one when sober, but this one was on steroids… I called and texted all my exes… ooh boy, i flinch when i think of the conversations that went on, I ended up dryfrying one of them and now she’s all excited that we are going to be happily ever after, i have no idea what i might have drunkenly told her that makes her believe so. This was after i had hit on some chick she seemed to be responding well to my little vibe it was all nice until this guy, the size of a house turned up, i am not sure what i told him but let’s say i was almost clobbered to … It turns out it was the boy friend or husband, lesson learned always be friendly with the bouncers those mofos gracefully took the bunches for me i don’t think i could have lived to give this hekaya. That will be my last drinking shenenigan ever. My abusive on and off relationship with the brown bottle is finally over, it was great but it is over now…


Until you get your next pay cheque.


Until the alcohol clears from his system

everybody says that the morning after drinking

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True, I have sworn that severally only to find myself drinking harder once my system clears

It better be…For your wallets,“spirit” and livers sake…:smiley:

Until he gets the next guy who is willing to buy him drinks.

Mtu wa kuwacha tei huwa hasemi,unaacha tu.ingekuwa unasema its been 3 months since your drink tungekubaliana na wewe.

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was on the same page as you on 24th evening I got over the calling and texting but my drunken conversations earned me some friends from Holland/Netherlands

hiyo ni commercial break tu !!! I know so many guyz who quite booze when they have that super hang’i …you always feel like u have ebola…after a day or 2 its the same old story


Chewed nje ya gate under a tree only to be woken up by my mother and neighbors. Nikapigwa kalecture “Hautakuwa unakuja kukunywa hivi ukitumbelea…rudi kwako sasa unateletea aibu…” left today after pombe kutoka system.



If you answer the ‘why do I drink in the first place’ question without fear and with absolute truth, your decision will be easier to make and regulation/quitting even easier.


Riff raff jerry…:smiley:

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I know you still like me, it is only that you are too confused to know that…:slight_smile:

Ha ha, hii yako ni kali.

ha ha…you r like my lil bro btw

Hahaha ulikunywa second generation ya ocha? Ati “Rudi kwako sasa” iyo line ni noma

Hangover inanimalisa, elders saidieni.

truly Kenya is a drinking nation and getting climbed or climbing afterwards

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